
Discussion in 'Relationships' started by Bella_Donna, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. Bella_Donna

    Bella_Donna *Femme Fatale*

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    Okay, I've been with my guy for almost two years. He tells me he loves me. He's good to me. He says we're gonna get married!

    Anyways, we live together. Lately, I've been working nights and he'd been working days, so we don't get to see much of eachother. But, everything appeared to be fine.

    Then, today while I was cleaning up... I found a used condom in our bedroom garbage. I know it's not from us having sex so... I don't know what's going on but I'm going to confront him about it. Our roommate said that there's no way he's cheating on me and that there has to be an explanation. In my heart, I don't believe he would cheat on me, but then why the hell is there a fucking used condom in the garbage????

    Am I being too naive?
  2. icedteapriestess

    icedteapriestess linguistic freak

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    either he is cheating, he used to to wank off in, or it was your roomates and he/she just didn't say anything... those are really the only 3 possiable explainations
  3. gdhmomchild

    gdhmomchild Duct tape abuser

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    I would watch his reaction carefully to when you bring it up. Does he immediately get defensive? Does he have a hard time saying what happened in a smooth articulate manner? Does the story change?
    There could be the other two plausible explanations as well.
  4. lawngirl

    lawngirl Member

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    my guess is that he's cheating. when you really look at it, especially considering your two schedules, it's very possible.

    one of you is home (or at least off work) during the day, and the other at night, so who could have gotten the opportunity to sneak into your bedroom without one of you noticing? sorry, but i don't think that's likely, or even possible. one of you not only would have noticed, but prevented someone else from having sex in the bed you share. is your roomie off during the day, too? or is there a large chunk of time in the day where your man has the house to himself, and likewise, the opportunity to bring someone else home, unnoticed?

    your roomie didn't admit to having used your bed for sex, which she(he?) probably would have done knowing you're suspicious that your boyfriend might have cheated. your roomie would have fessed up... it's easier to deal with anger for getting laid in your roomies bed than it is to live with a fighting couple.

    if the wrapper is around, is the condom his brand? although that doesn't mean that the other person didn't supply the condom.

    also, i doubt that he was whacking off in it. i seriously doubt that he's going to go out and buy a box of condoms for the sole purpose of masturbating in them.... i mean, you don't keep them stocked up and on hand, right? unless he's done this before, it's not very likely. look around, is there a box of condoms stashed anywhere?

    was the condom hidden at the bottom of the can, wrapped in toilet paper? or was it just loosely strewn on top casually? if it looks like he tried to hide it real well, then he's probably cheating. although he could be lazy/stupid and left it on top of the can by accident. i guess that doesn't help so much.

    good call on gdhmomchilds part; like she said, watch how he reacts very closely! don't be afraid of finding out the truth.

    i hope that you find out the truth. if it turns out he cheated and you still want to stay with him, make him get tested! the cheatee would have noticed that your room is shared. so ask yourself, "what type of girl sleeps with a guy when she knows he's living with his girlfriend?" that's right, a dirty slut. seriously, she's probably got a disease, and condoms dont prevent all stds (ie: hpv, herpes, crabs, etc). if he refuses to get tested, leave him.

    good luck and be STRONG!
  5. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    hmmm.. i hope you found the truth...but thats difficult to assess...I'm not one to jump to conclusions but..... go with your gut feeling and dont believe what you WANT to hear... of course he wants to marry you..and hell say anything not to lose you....i mean..youre not supposed to find out...
    its just a little strange that he left it in the bedroom garbage?....
    unless you have found out who put it there or he admits to'll never know for if youre not 100% with his explanation...leave him..
    and good luck from me too
  6. Bella_Donna

    Bella_Donna *Femme Fatale*

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    Things are fine... We've chatted about it and I found out the truth. He said that he indeed had used it for masterbation. If it was anyone else, I wouldn't believe them, but as I looked in his eyes as he explained, I believed him. He was thoroughly embarrassed and a little hurt I would think what I did. But, I doubt there's a person in the universe who was in my situation and didn't get upset about it.

    Anyway, all is well for now...
  7. gdhmomchild

    gdhmomchild Duct tape abuser

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    Theres two reasons a guy would do that too that I had thougt of right after I had posted. He may have thought that would be the lesser of evils when he cums, he wouldn't make a big mess (especially if he was laying down) or dirty towels, or some guys like that latexy feeling...also the condoms are a bit lubricated.

    It also goes to show, sometimes you just have to have some faith and not jump the gun.
  8. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Bella Donna - thats good news....i hope it does go ok from now on..... and oh god yes....your reaction was exactly normal...i guess its good that you had somewhere to voice how you felt...even if some of included jumped to the wrong conclusion....
    just so long as you have no doubts now... stay happy......:)
  9. icedteapriestess

    icedteapriestess linguistic freak

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    one of my ex's used to masterbate with condoms on because he liked the sensation, which is the only reason I thought of it as an explaination right off the bat....

    so glad to hear that it all turned out well!
  10. Bella_Donna

    Bella_Donna *Femme Fatale*

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    Thanks for the support everyone. You guys rock!
  11. gdhmomchild

    gdhmomchild Duct tape abuser

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    LOL!! AllI could really think of at first when I read yer original post was mess containment. It came to me after posted that there are indeed some guys that like that feeling.
  12. Spaceduck

    Spaceduck Member

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    words fail me...


    Bella, this is your coolest thread yet!

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