For the last 7 years republicans promise an Obamacare repeal. Now their master plan is to either just replace it with the exact same thing. Or just leave it alone.. SMH I guess I half expected this to happen. Most of the GOP congress are members of the same Uniparty that Obama, Pelosi, Bush, and Ryan all belong to.
Republicans have never had the stomach for half the crap they spout and Trump was voted into office because the American people don't either.
so politicians promised something and then didn't follow through? amazing! i guess there's a first time for everything.
How long before Trump voters realize that his campaign promises were bs? What will be their reaction next election?
The premise of reality TV is that nobody ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
or could it possibly be that "Obamacare" is the best solution to the problem at this time? no need for ludicrous conspiracy crap.
Hippies have been saying for over half a century that Dr Strangelove is not an exaggeration and Trump is living proof that even reality TV and Professional Wrestling can't compete with politics.