Omg, I think it's gonna snow (up to) 4 inches...

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by AmericanTerrorist, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    And I just don't think I can handle it. I don't wanna go over the river and through the woods in a horse drawn carriage. I want to drive my hybrid suv, that, yes, has new, amazing tires... but it has hardly ever snowed 4 inches in PA and I'm a bit scared. Plus we are getting a mix of rain and sleet and that is major news for the network news channels. It's even worse in the states above (and maybe even, beside me)...some of them may be getting 6-10 inches. This has never happened before and if anyone could please give me any advice on how to ensure my family has a safe and jolly thanksgiving, it would fall on glad ears. Thanks in advance.

    Mrs. Scared of Snow
  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Ummm, snow over ice... Seems that was what PA was all about. (at least the parts I'm from) If you don't want to go driving in it then don't... safer that way.
  3. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Thanks. :) This was my attempt at a joke...sarcasm...because I think the media way overhypes snow around here the past few years like we haven't been getting inches and feet at times of snow forever in the northern states. I DO worry bout my husband driving to and from work in a cpl inches of snow and sleet/ice (third shift, when it does freeze bad) but it was my (attempt) to show how I feel the media blows a few inches way out of proportion. I guess it's better then them talking nonstop about politics, wars or other violence nonstop though, right? :)

    (btw, an example of how the media has seemed to grab onto snow more in recent years, is they have started naming nor-easters like they name hurricanes and tropical storms. REALLLLY? it's a nor-easter. schools get closed and people need to call off of work or drive slow. funny stuff.)
  4. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Get a shovel.

    But seriously...we deal with this all the time where I live. Just drive safely and slowly. It will be gone before you know it. Good luck.
  5. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Well...dammit...I thought you were serious. :)
  6. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Are you in PA right now? (profile says Ohio)...but, that's right next door. In any case, when hubby left for work @ 8:30 pm it was raining pretty hard. I do hope it doesn't turn to freezing/ice for his drive home @ 6 am. He has a good 20 miles to drive of both highways and back roads. It sounds to me @ the window that there is rain that could be freezing... ugh. It didn't seem too cold outside earlier, but guess that could have changed...
  7. usedtobehoney

    usedtobehoney Senior Member

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    I was thinking what? What part of Pennsylvania do you live in? LOL

    Seriously though I wouldn't wanna drive in snow.
  8. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Hah... yea, I wasn't sure if people would take me serious or not. I just meant you'd think by the media that we haven't even had snow or ice or even large scale nor easters here. I think it's cause it's the first snow of the season and right by a holiday... flights cancelled and all.. but, seriously, listening to it, you'd think we never had snow here before. :D

    I do though, hope it's safe for my husband to drive home. He's often tired after working 10 hours on weird shifts.
  9. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    I deal with snow and ice all winter. No cruise control!!! Go slow, if you start to fishtail don't try to correct it, you'll end up doing donuts. Don't slam on your brakes. Give yourself plenty of time to stop. Pretty basic stuff. Just don't freak out. Only go as fast as you feel comfortable. 4 inches is nothing for us. I guess I just take that for granted.
  10. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    haha, I thought so too. Leave it up to the Iowans to try to be nice and helpful!
  11. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

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    Va overhyped too. I miss snow driving, it's fun as fuck. Anytime it snowed growing up I'd go out driving and slide all over the place. Then take my dads truck out when they plowed and blast through the snow piles. You haven't lived until you've hit a 8-10 ft snowbank at wide open throttle. In va it had to fresh though, or it would turn to ice and you launch it like a ramp or fuck your vehicle up bad.

    Every winter when it's just cold up north I'm like haha! But when it snows completely bummed I'm not there
  12. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    That reminds me of going up in Chicago and then moving to Tennessee when I was a kid. When I was there, they acted like it was the end of the world if there was a inch or two of snow. Schools and businesses closed, etc. I was like...what? We would get a foot and a half on snow in Chicago and we still had to go to school. :)
  13. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I used to like to take my sons out after (or during) a storm in a 4x4 and just mess around. Never got a plow truck stuck but I did get my Jeep stuck a couple of times.
  14. antithesis

    antithesis Hello

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    I am jealous!!!! I cannot wait until there is enough snow in the mountains for some backcountry skiing.

    Watching people here trying to drive in snow is hilarious and disturbing....
  15. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    :rofl: That is how I deeply feel about myself driving in snow.

    It has been raining here all day, on the verge of freezing...they are calling for possible ice and snow coming in the next couple of days, and this is in SC.

    I have to drive in the country, over hills, bridges, and curves and just even thinking about it gives me the heebeejeebees. :eek: Anybody got an extra valium? lol j/k...I am supposed to work Thanksgiving night from 10pm-1am. The hours I don't's gonna be the weather that'll have my nerves on edge. And unless the roads are unpassable, I'm sure I'll be there at work, waiting for them to become unpassable.
  16. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    I still apprieciate the advice and the kindness!! :) Thanks.. I have been in (MINOR!!!- hitting a guard rail after a fish tail...stuff like that. at very slow speed. no damage. but still scary for the car to spin..and spin..and spin...)- accidents in snow so I don't take it totally lightly... know you really gotta pay attention and know when not to go out...and also, most important for me is to remember to down shift your gears going down hills.. I always have to do that and also keep tapping on the break while you're doing so... and then if you do fishtail you have to remember... you turn... away from the way youi are turning, yes? You kinda gotta remember that on the fly..

    I def don't like driving in any snow really and realize for some people...well, some people aren't used to it. But I do think the media is acting here like we are getting 3 feet of snow...not a couple inches. :) We get a lot of snow here.
  17. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    If you think they over-hype storms there in PA you should see how they over-hype storms herein New england (although Nemo was every bit as bad as they predicted) with over 30 inches of snow...

    but this is more typical...."]Rockport and Boston destroyed in yet another "Blizzard of the Century" - YouTube

  18. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    I LOVE big blizzards where things shut, schools and NO ONE is on the streets... where you can sled down steep hills on a town road. :D That's kick ass fun. And how it's all quiet and the snow is beautiful ...before it turns all ugly, slushy and gray.

    (btw, just not cnn is saying "rain and snow create travel nightmare"... but I will give them this. the map is saying further north of me in PA into NY. I just think people didn't used to be such wimps about's like we never had blizzards growing up in northern states... no one used to think their 6 year olds would get abducted from their front yards when I was growing up...and yea, yea, I used to walk 3 miles UPHILL to school in the store...hah.. guess I'm just getting old.) ;)

    But yea... w snow... I am like ... go all out or go home. Some of the WORST driving I have experienced in recent years was ...typically it would be the first or second snow of the season and not much called for... so the DOT wouldn't prep the roads at all..then you'd get just a little bit (usually under an inch) of snow during rush hour...and sliding all over the place pretty bad and it's kinda scary...havin to pump your breaks and shit. Typically when there is a bigger snow storm w notice they would prep the roads and then they're just wet and not too bad..
  19. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Hahaha...yea, NEMO is, what I believe, started this whole naming snow storms thing... (reminds me of finding NEMO... lol)... our grandparents would be like....gtfo... we used to get 8 feet of snow and still walk to school...uphill.. and then we came home and shoveled for the neighborhood and we didn't complain. It's SNOW.
  20. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Haha... during a blizzard once... I was 19 and staying over for "blizzard fun" @ a girlfriend's house and we realized we were outta cigs... so I took my old Dodge Shadow to the gas station for them. It was about 1.5 miles but slightly back roads with hills. We got there but couldn't get up the hill to get back to her house and a plow truck was going by right at that time. He ended up pushing my car into the gas station parking lot and informing (asking) the owners if we could park it til we could come get it) and then he drove us back to our friend's house and laughed @ our story of needing cigs. Neways, we felt lucky...because that car was NOT moving up that hill. :D

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