Old spice reminds me of my grandfather, nothing wrong with it.. Brut is still nice, very sexy!! Old ones are the best!
Old Spice works just fine for me, and I sweat a lot. Then again I use the stick deodorant -- not the spray. Lately I just use Speed Stick because it's cheap and works well.
i guess it kind of depends on what kind of work you expect it to do. i've only ever used any of their products as an after-shave if i wanted to smell like an alky. any more i just use whatever meets my top spec from the 99 cent store.
I just remember the old adverts. "You'll find success" lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rbZr7YoqK0
Isn't the job of Old Spice to smell like Old Spice? how can it not work? Even if it smells like shite, it's still smelling like what it smells like. Anythings better than Lynx. I work in a school at the mo and certain age groups fucking bathe in that shit, you can hardly breathe. (i think it might be called Ax in the US)