Hi. I am 60 years old and am eager to relate a lifetime of sexual experiences on line for confirmation or denial. Sex is an important part of life. I have observations and conclusions I'd like to share, and if anyone benefits, that's fine, and if anyone tells me I'm screwed up, that's fine too, I hope so! We can both learn. Cheers! Bruce
you are screwed up. i dont think your observations and conclusions could benefit anyone, keep em to yourself. judging from your other posts, you dont know much about the opposite sex.
Well, seriously?, how do you get to 60 and still be using the words sophisticated, guy, tit and fuck in the same sentence
normally, yes. you're still attracted to young women, but older women also start to look good too. you'd think it would improve your odds, but somehow it really doesn't.
^^ I remember Archie Bunker once said something along the lines of, as you get older, your eyes get blurry so that older people still look attractive in those eyes. He said it to Edith, a lot more romantically that I reported.
@I'm in your underwear. I find it to be true for guys and girls. I'm older now and more interested in older people lately than I would have been in the past. Its an evolution I believe that continues until you die. Strange how our brains are wired.
[SIZE=10.5pt]I'm not much younger than you but would enjoy swapping experiences with you. To hear what you have done and would like to have done.[/SIZE]