Old Electronics Magazines On Line

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Dude111, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Mags from the 30s to the 80s!!


    Issues of Popular Electronics,Audio Engineering,Hi Fidelity and others plus old catalogs and industry publications!!

    Quite awesome :)
    FritzDaKatx2 and Bilby like this.
  2. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Wow, I used to read a LOT of these. They caused me to waste tons of money at Radio Shack. I built a bootleg AM radio station back in the 70s so I could listen to my albums all over my neighborhood with just a regular radio on my bike. Electronics was fascinating because you could salvage components from TV sets and stereos that people tossed out and make all kinds of cool stuff.

    It's interesting when you think of how these magazines were basically like the web sites of today. Usually focused on a particular vertical market etc. But looking at all the covers really makes it seem like we had decades of "apps" available to us. The advantage magazines had was being able to run with absolutely no power!
    FritzDaKatx2, Bilby and Dude111 like this.
  3. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    Ya... Stuff was actually interesting then.......
  4. Twogigahz

    Twogigahz Senior Member

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    I have a few editions of 70's Popular Electronics. Some entertaining advertisements for PolyPaks - "100 DRAMs for $1...how good are they, we don't know, but we're selling them off fast...."
    Dude111 likes this.

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