The case in question pertained to an incident that took place on June 1, 2014 at a Tulsa park involving a 16-year-old female victim (whose blood-alcohol level was later measured at .341) and a 17-year-old male classmate. The defendant in the case transported the intoxicated teenaged girl to her grandmother's home, after which family members took her to a local hospital, where sexual assault examination allegedly revealed the presence of the male teenager's DNA on her person in a manner that suggested oral sexual relations had occurred while the girl was heavily intoxicated or unconscious. i.e. the kid put his cock in her mouth while she was unconscious and ejaculated. But since the girl was unconscious and couldn’t remember anything, the mere presence of semen wasn’t enough to charge him with rape. Hotwater
loop hole in the law (they cover just about everything except oral) judge has to follow the law lawyers are great at finding loop holes...kid must have had an expensive lawyer
Oklahoma is a very weird place. People like to talk about all the hicks and hillbillies in "The South" but you have never seen a dumber version of a backward hick than in Oklahoma. I learned this as a sailor. Apparently few people there realized we still had oceans and a Navy when I had to travel through in uniform. I was really surprised at how many people in Oklahoma thought I was from another country or was some kind of health inspector. But the real treat was waiting to get on a bus to Memphis. I noticed a girl at the lunch counter staring straight at me so I gave her a nod. She smiled and then went back to reading something. Next thing I know I have this old guy, about a foot shorter than me, all up in my face for looking at the girl. He was literally screaming at me about it. Then I said something like "All I did was smile at your granddaughter, I meant nothing by it". I never saw an old guy turn so red before demanding that I step outside. The girl was no longer smiling either. I told him that I was getting on the bus to Memphis and he could get on the bus to hell for all I cared, I was not going to tussle with a fossil in a bus station. By this time the local oinker was watching and told me to wait by the bus and told the old fool to sit down. When I went back to California, I took a bus through Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. I avoid Oklahoma for a variety of reasons. It's like going back in time.
Had it been my daughter the kid would be waking up tied to a chair. By then, I readily admit to being psychotic.
The so-called Christian right wingers continue to move in the direction of Sharia Law, where it's the 24/7 responsibility of every female to never tempt a male or put herself in a vulnerable situation.
Oklahoma has also passed a bill in the senate and house making abortion illegal with the only exception being if a woman's life is in danger. The governor just has to sign it into law. There isnt even a clause for rape - and now it seems rape is legal as long as you slip the woman a roofie first.
More like regressing into Quakers. And most American men don't rape or tolerate it regardless of their faith. Rape used to be a hanging offense in the US. I think it should still be when someone rapes a child. You can't "cure" that kind of sickness and hanging ensures they will rape no more! I doubt you'll see American men start condoning rape or adopting Sharia tenets. Maybe a few troglodytes, sure. Find me a nation that doesn't still have some of them. But they're still far from the norm. This Oklahoma thing has that creepy feeling of a town sheriff hiding a rape to protect the football team. On a state-wide basis.