my cousin bought a vapor too vape CBD oil it looked kind of cool he said it was instant effect he said it’s not harsh on the lungs at all I would like too try it but am afraid with my lung problems he didn’t cough at all had no smell too it I dunno all I know is I’m not doing well I do CBD gummies and under the tongue thoughts
Sometimes I don’t think my cousin know what he’s talking about he said it was FDA approved I said even people with bad lungs collapsed lungs and he said yes it’s fine
Why take chances when there are easy and effective alternatives? The vaporized oil process is seemingly not particularly hard on healthy lungs, though. All indications are that it's less harmful than smoking the equivalent amount of plant matter.
What I keep hearing about vaping is the lung issues from regular use, and I've heard this before. Back in the late 70s and early 80s I ran into a steady supply of hash oil. At the time I was in various Navy schools and was laying off weed, booze and ludes to shift entirely to using uppers and meth to get through night study and exams. So I was dealing hard to get enough money to get a car. Life sucked in the San Francisco bay without a car, unless you were a tourist. I later learned that the process for making hash oil involved solvents. I knew enough from high school chemistry to know that solvents cause rapid and substantial changes to organic chemicals well beyond thinning them out for leeching. And no amount of evaporating was going to completely remove the solvent OR the resultant bastard chemicals produced by the reactions (plural). I learned this after some, but not all, of the people I was selling to were having lung issues. It made the local news and suddenly hash oil was gone. But so was I. Change of duty to Hawaii. I was out of the service before I ever got popped for dealing. Which I stopped doing after having to go through rehab to avoid 11 months and 29 days of county cinder block. </drift>
To the OP: Personally I wouldn't. Especially if you have lung/breathing problems. I have always prefered my CBD in edible form. Ultimately it is your decision. I'd discuss any questions or concerns with your doctor. Putting anything in your lungs is a bad idea in my honest opinion.
I don't know what possible benefit could come from vaping CBD. It can be ingested, absorbed through skin, etc. to take effect. Marijuana (THC) is different. I prefer the delivery of smoking it to ingesting it. And vaping THC oil is effective. There's no water vapor to accompany it and the quantity is miniscule.
You have a lot more to learn. CBD oil is extracted from hemp, not marijuana. There's no need to vape or smoke CBD oil; it can be ingested and absorbed through the skin. The often recommended ingestion method is to put a measured amount under the tongue for a moment before swallowing to enhance absorption. The THC content of CBD oil is typically 0.3% or less and is considered to not produce a "high". I said basically that just above you, but apparently you missed it.
I agree with the previous comments that you should not smoke vape. Vape is harmless, but if you have problems with your lungs, then you should forget about this idea. I've been smoking vape for 4 years now and I still feel good. If I need nicotine, I can add it to the vape liquid, because it's not difficult at all. By the way, the most important thing is to change the spare parts in time, namely cotton wool and smoke coil. {Link removed}. Do not forget that you need to take care of the vape, so as not to harm your health.
Please? I can't, but here's an article which might help you:
I vaped a very high ratio 1:1 cbd/thc cartridge just to try it out... it didn't taste very good and made me tired. Interestingly I've found that sativa tincture under the tongue provides me with the most anxiety relief. Problem is the same dose doesn't always hit me the same and it can be a little bit psychoactive...
Well, weed is like that. It doesn't provide a frame of mind or specific feeling on a repeatable basis. It seems to play on current mood or overall feelings, amplifying them. Perhaps heightening senses. It can help with concentration on tasks. At least for me. It can help with avoiding anxiety producing thoughts but it can also amplify them, depending on one's resolve. Sometimes it feels like it just makes me more of who I already am. Like exemplifying the placebo effect in a sense but seemingly easier to establish a comfortable state of mind. I can't deny wishful thinking might contribute.
If it’s not broke no need to fix it. Yes vaping it is very smooth and I know one hit wouldn’t hurt you. That’s the problem though, you’ll probably like it. I have 2 vapes. One is horrible. The stick / battery is just cheap and the juice is shit. Then I have a 510 thread battery for wax cartridges as well as a vape for CBD pods. Incredibly smooth. The site I use I’m not promoting so I won’t post it. It’s just they actually sell CBD inhalers as an asthma alternative medication. That tripped me out. If you want to know the website let me know. Also they have what’s called noids. They’re like gummies on steroids. All third party tested and legit.
I like to use CBD oil in my vape liquids. I often get headaches and this smoking option helps me get rid of headaches, which makes my life a lot easier.