This ad is 4 weeks old, but it was the first time Ive seen or noticed it tonight It starts off very inspiring, I thought, oh, its going to be an ad for a charity ...then it got half way through started to get too schmaltzy, i thought, oh dont tell me this is going to be a bloody telco ad ....then, the reveal at the end, a f***** ad for soda? You slimey little weazels
What pisses me off is when super rich celebrities are shown at home and proclaim "We're all in this together!". Bullshit! You're loaded. A month in your house won't kill you! I swear that when I hear that line, it's like we're in a group that's about to watch "High School Musical" or something!
Yeah, was a huge Tom Hanks fan until early 2020 when him and his wife caught bat virus in Aus, and yes, he did a video on instagram or something and yes, uttered that line "we are all in this together" Tom Hanks net worth $US400 million ....then when they were cleared from 2 weeks in quarantine....they flew back to US in a private jet...just like all the little people do, because we are all in this together
and then there was the Madonna one which was like a parody of the type of video you're both describing. but real.
Well, it ain't "I'd like to buy the world a Coke..." I guess AUS hasn't seen the Liberty Mutual insurance ads that seem to inflict stupidly on American televisions.
Did not like ad in op, I doubt I'll stop drinking coke over it, however it did make me look to see all that Coca-Cola brand owns and the alternatives and I didn't even realize they own Monster Energy and Dasani Water as well...
You wouldn't take a private jet home if you were worth $400 million US or is it you wouldn't have used the little solidarity line? Not sure either is much of a black mark against him, personally.