Actually I was a tiny bit wrong. I think the meme is like... the underlying picture. So for example, the picture of Walter from The Big Lebowski cocking his gun and with the opening line "AM I THE ONLY ONE AROUND HERE" is the meme, and then you can get it with whatever you feel is appropriate. I believe that's right. So here's another... Might be useful for you! -
if you wanna understand what meme is you have to know what gene is. you know.. gene.. like genetics.. dna.. Meme is basically the same shit. a self replicating machine. But instead of the physical world it lives in the "information" world. inside computers and the minds of men. A good example of Meme are ...Thoughts!. They can grow and spread from one person to another, mutate, change and spread more.... the photoshopped images are meme too. You can imagine it as... replicating structures that mutate inside our minds and then spread to other ones where they mutate even more... mind=blown?
They are usually very annoying, yet used by many. Some of them, I wonder how they became so wide spread in popularity or WHO came up with the term meme? That's an annoying word in itself.
well this is just the way every culture has always perpetuated itself. the only thing now, we have ad hoc manipulations by self serving and short sighted economic interests. but the term can also be used for surveys, which are fun, to let each other, the world and these intersts know, how people really fee.
a meme is basically a viral play on your mind - christ its EVERYWHERE!!! you know the laughter in the back of a studio filmed comedy, and maybe you wonder if you should enjoy this show anymore, and if you feel comfortable watching something informative rather? well, the laughter shouldnt do that... or another version to that is: like on the big bang theory, i get the above feeling a lot, so i summised that the people who sit in the studio know more about american society - i'm half welsh, half siamese.
Something that's received and retransmitted over and over again. There may be modifications to the meme but it is something that will be recognized