My woman wanted to give me a rim job a couple of weeks ago and I said no. What the fuck? At the time I couldn't remember what one was. She's a great girl, but a freak in bed. I'm all about sex. I'll fuck all day if I can, but I've never really done kinky stuff. Don't know where I want to go with this.
We got a jacuzzi suite at a hotel and had been going hard at it for hours. In the heat of the moment she wanted to give me a rim job and I politely declined by saying it would be way more awesome if I got head.
Honestly she is really wanting to start doing all this stuff and I'm trying to keep up. My libido is fan fucking tastic, but this woman wears me out.
She just wants to lick your butt hole and or tease it with her fingers. =p You don't need to push back.
Because she'd already got me off 4 times in about 2 hours and I was tired. This woman doesn't stop. It just wasn't the right time. I've never had such a sex crazed woman. And she's so sweet and beautiful. I just feel intimidated maybe. I used to think I knew what was up, but I've learned more in a year than I had in the 15 previous since I've been Sexually active.
I guess in hindsight I could have made a more intelligent thread in relation to the situation I find myself in. I'll do that tomorrow. I've got a lot on my mind with this woman and I could actually use some opinions from some of my friends on here.
Well first off is get some sleep. And maybe perhaps just come clean that you wouldn't mind receiving a rim job, but you really refused because you know you couldn't return the same act if she asked for one and you felt guilty about that, so you closed the opportunity.
Interesting that so many posts like this are about a guy wanting to push his lady into doing something she doesn't want to do/ Almost unanimously the advice is that "it is her body, she has the right to say no and that wish should be respected." In your case, the roles are reversed, but I don't really see any difference. It is your body - you have the right to refuse to do anything you feel uncomfortable with. I am sure your lady will respect that wish.
Op. A few years ago I was in the same position with my gf at the time and said no at first . She kept wanting too and I finally said ok and it was awesome. I was very surprised. Im tellin u, do it. Its awesome
Beeeeecause being in a situation where you carry around a bag that collects your poo is when girls are most likely to throw themselves at you and offer a rimjob?
It's nice.... but it's something that I personally could only see liking with one particular person--because I gotta be relaxed and trusting w person. Meaning if I was dating someone that beginning or something I prolly wouldn't want them to go there.. otherwise...