I'm going to post everything I did some years ago...I used to totally love actress Michelle Forbes and painted this some years ago - page 2 coming up tomorrow... (the guy is...me...)
I like the layout, nice concept. I once made a Batman comic using DeluxePaint (an old bitmap paint program)
Great comic! Love it! The people are so real in today's standards... disconnected from reality struggling to make sense of it all
No, it was made on an Amiga computer and saved to its hard drive and a 3 1/2 inch floppy. I don't have an Amiga anymore and lost the floppies. It had something to do with Batman telling Robin to back something up and he backed up the Batmobile instead of the Bathard drive. Brilliant play on words, I must say.
Although this looks totally scifi, and that page 5 will convince you it is - it is not. I only painted 10 pages - too much time consuming - it took me about 2 years for 10 pages! But...if some of you like, after I'm done posting a page per day, I can let in on the ending! Enjoy!
I lost a lot of material during the course of my life - which is real too bad. I have stopped painting and cartooning since 2015. But, in the past, I got myself a giant artist "bag thingy" where all your material fits and stands up. It really helped!!!!
Page 4...that totally looks scifi... Painting the hand was a real Bitch (capital B!). I ended up tracing my own hand (which is my hand in the comic too!) and then I played with it - adding colors here and there...and I was quite happy with result! The structure you see is actually based on the building from the Elois in The Time Machine from the 60s movie! From youtube I learned how to draw a planet - which turned out to be quite easy in the end!