Oil Of Salvation

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by Meagain, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    So I went to my granddaughter's baptism yesterday.

    Now those of you that know me know I'm not religious at all.
    But I was raised Catholic and I do go to various services every now and then if they're family related, so I ended up at a baptism.

    Now I haven't been to one in about 20 years and apparently they changed it a bit. Last time I went it was like, hocus pocus pour some holy water on the kid and we're outta here.
    This time we had to stand up and sit down a few times, listen to something from the Bible, read from a little booklet...and then the priest wiped out some "Oil of Salvation".
    Now I never heard of "Oil of Salvation" before and thought that was pretty neat, I could use some of that. I'd sprinkle it around here and there and save lots of stuff.

    So I looked it up on the net today to see what what it was. I figured it must be something like tree sap from the one true cross, or holy saint sweat, or holy orifice discharge and I figured it'd be very hard to procure.

    Turns out it's olive oil.

    All you need to do is get some olive oil and say a few magic words and...hocus pocus, you're good to go!

    You can get this ready to use set for only $215.95, I thought it would be much more expensive; I mean what would you pay for salvation?
    I don't know what the empty bottle is for, maybe vinegar.
    So now I'm disappointed.
  2. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    you missed the part about passing an envelope of cash to the priest
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  3. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    Better make sure it's the extra virgin kind.
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  4. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    saying the magic words over the oil changed the molecular structure to make it Oil of Salvation, giving it the energy and vibrations to alter the oil to work its magic.

    I used to dress, with the appropriate oil, most important candles. Using the Right Oil helps a LOT

    I don't burn candles any more but I may again.

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  5. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    LOL That's called Mass.

    I always thought anointment oils had been used forever.
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  6. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    I knew there was something dummyhead here was forgetting..there are annointing oils in the bible.

    That concept is old as time.

    Interesting is how I always found it.
  7. Lynnbrown

    Lynnbrown Firecracker

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    If you don't believe and you don't avail yourself of this magic/power/whatever...then it won't work for you, probably...

    If you do beliveve / Know/ Whatever... the power it avails is great...

    Or so I've heard.
  8. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Yes, according to the all knowing Wiki god, the Oil of Catechumens, (technical name for Oil of Salvation) is similar to the anoiting oil used on Greek and Roman wrestlers.
  9. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    The Greek 'Christos' from which we get Christ, means 'the annointed one'.

    Just thought it worth mentioning.
  10. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Wiped out some oil? What does that mean? Did the priest use it to baptize the kid? Probably not, that would be strange
  11. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Oops he whipped it out, not wiped it out.

    My mistake.

    He used regular holy water for the baptism, the oil of Olay stuff was just a booster thing.
    Olay is in India btw.
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  12. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I will sell you holy water for 10€ a bottle. :) might be a little moonshine but it'll soak up that cardboard body of Jesus they feed ya. ;)
  13. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    actually christianity is kind of recent, even as religions go, let alone time.
    even olive oil is older now that you mention it.
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