Boris and the Brexiteers are now intending to invoke European law in order to get the UK out from under European law - can you see the irony in this ???
Just declare war on the fucking EU and kick their asses. England was so much cooler when it was imperialistic.
The French have the only aircraft carrier in the EU, and an old one at that, while the US always has at least two in the area. England would not last two days before your entire air force, radar, and airports were crushed, your power stations and mass media all bombed into the dust. Then we'd have to move in and occupy the country, just to make sure it doesn't happen again. The irony is that British empire was built on the backs of black slaves, who lasted an average of five years in the cane fields, and the international conglomerates are now encouraging them to eat each other alive.
The French would bomb the shit out of you, and laugh their heads off. They either fight or run, and a Britain without the US behind it ain't nothing but a target. The Brits are still the best at radar, so that's the first thing they will bomb. Try to stop an 800mph cruise missile flying a hundred foot off the ground. You can't even hear it coming. Destroy the waterways protecting London, and Britain will be sent back to the stone age when it floods.
I've seen some stupid crap in my time, but this just about takes the biscuit !!! - crawl back into your air-tight nuclear bunker and make sure you close the door tight behind you.
I have two fathers, the first tended nuclear submarine engines, and the second put up some of the first GPS satellites. Britain ain't nothing but a target in the modern world of warfare without serious defenses only the US can provide. The world is getting smaller all the time, while its empires grow larger. How much the Pentagon spends in a year would make any sane man alive go cross-eyed.
This has roughly been the spending difference between the US and the rest of the world, off and on, for the last 70 years. The US has the lead in roughly 80% of all the high technology and weapons today. The banks love a sure winner, and are moving the high tech industry into France as well.
I do not frequent pubs, I buy bottles of Brandy and drink at home. As for McDonalds, I have never been inside one, and have no intention of doing so - I have a healthy respect for my digestive system and wouldn't touch that crap with a 10' barge pole !!!
Mad Cow was a problem with British beef, not McDonald's soybeans. Britain imports roughly 30% of its food, and I can understand why.
And yet, people around the world line up for American crap. Go figure. Another important resource is our sluts. American sluts are highly prized and people travel from all over to get their hands on one. I LOVE America!!!!
Variant CJD only occurred because some farmers fed their cattle feed infected with Scrapie (a sheep virus). That feed originated in the US