A haircut!! Shit I look like a cueball. I have not had my hair 1/4 inch long since 1970 when it was almost to my ass. You know--a person can just get tired of ----well--just about anything, I guess. I let it grow out in the 50s in high school and was rewarded with a teacher giving me a few bucks and demanding that I get a haircut!! Buddy and I ditched school and shot some pool with the money. Well anyway--no pictures in my gallery that are real short. And I ain't takin' any lookin' like this!! My kids are gonna' freak. They've never seen me with a butch haircut. (Compared to anything that makes any differance to anything else--this doesn't mean a dad-burn hill 'a beans.)
I had a pony tail when I was younger. I thought I'd keep it forever but when I finally did cut it....it was to the point of liberation. I kind of missed it but was amused to not have to brush my hair, etc. all the damn time.
long hair looks good on certain people, but damn is it a pain to take care of. anyone that can pull off short hair, i have to recommend it just for the convenience factor.
i don't know what is meant by "pulling off" short hair. humans are ugly enough to begin with. short hair only makes it worse. on the other paw, it is more comfortable and less annoying to its wearer. it is for the latter reason that i frequently keep it at bey with a pair of scissors.
I'm gonna let it cut short in a month or 2 for the first time in 15 years.... I already feel like Samson when I think of it. Here it is so that I am not really tired of my long hair... but it is simply so that I used to have a head of long hair that pretty much always looked good and wasn't much work to take care of at all. Nowadays I have to take care of it otherwise it looks like a ravaged birds nest. I'm tired of taking care of something that doesn't look as great as it used to be anyway I hope to take some before and after pics!
Yeah, but you used to be able to mostly define a person's mental state by their wearing of long hair. Of course there were always exceptions...but in the main you knew what was going on inside by their outside appearance...not true anymore.
Yes - at one time if you didn't have long hair you were looked on askance by hippies like I used to be with my (then) long hair. These days it doesn't have the same significance at all, and as others have pointed out, it's easier to keep it looking good if it's a bit shorter. I think people should just wear their hair in whatever style they feel comfortable with.
Long hair's cool, but it does feel amazing to cut it off when you're really fed up with it. Hair works in cycles for me.
Freaks actually but yes, and with good reason. I really liked my long hair, my future wife loved to brush it for me and then braid it.
Freaks in the early and mid 70's. Then the word Hippy kind of came back, at least over here. I think it had to do with the rise of punk as another 'alternative' style. I too used to like my long hair. I even toy with the idea of letting it grow out again, since I still have it all. But it's the stages between short and long I don't like.
When I was young(er), I'm sort of embarrassed to admit this; but, I wouldn't even look at/seriously consider a man unless he had long hair. Now that I'm older I find short hair on a man attractive. Now, as an older lady, if a man has his teeth (they can be his natural ones, or even bought ones! ) and most of his hair, he's well ahead of the majority...around here anyway.
I put an add on a dating site once for the hell of it. I Put= "Old man, no sense, no money, some hair and several teeth." I actually had some answers!! ( I don't date anyway. never have)