I was just out and someone approached me and asked if I was a christian.. Annoyed, I didn't even put much thought into it and responded with "Oh hell no!!" and walked away.. lol. Pretty good response if I do say so myself. What do you say when you get this question? :devil:
I have responded with "does it matter". The person was surprised and did not know what to say. Not a question that I think strangers should be asking me.
One thing I've tried is pretending I don't speak English. Jabber at them in broken French, and they soon give it up.
I'm not the least bit offended by religion or God or Christ. If I was asked, I would gladly speak with the person.
I'm really not offended either by religion even though I feel it does more harm than good sometimes. I'm just offended that somebody thinks my religious beliefs or lack of is any of their business. I think spirituality/religion is something you find and figure out for yourself. It shouldn't be forced onto anyone.
What does irk me is when I get a knock on the door at 8 AM saturday, stumble out of bed only to be confronted by a woman, with a kid in tow, brandishing a copy of 'The Watchtower'. It's anti social, and I feel sorry for the kid, who is clearly being used, maybe to try to forestall any outbursts of obscenities which such a knock is all too likely to provoke.
But in asking you a question, were they forcing something on you? I've had things forced on me .. I don't think somebody asking me if I'm a Christian is forcing anything on me. But it is somewhat out of context that they asked. They might've wanted to give you a pamphlet or something (pamphlets can't hurt people) and asking you if you're Christian would be a way of offering you a pamphlet. I think stuff like that is benign.
Okay. Honestly, how often does that *actually* happen? I've had people come to my house but it isn't like a plague. It happens seldom.
I say I salute to the Annunaki alien race only!! Then I get a blank stare and they think im retarded, probably the same look I gave them when they asked me the question.
It happened to me once relatively recently. And once was enough. But they do it all the time to different people. And it's always Christians of one kind or another. The only other religious group I've ever been hassled by in the street are Hare Krishnas.
Rainy, a question is one thing, if that is all it is...but to continue on and on and on with incessant babbling and preaching about anything to force anything upon someone.....or guising it to mean something else is a form of attempting mind control over someone....I tune it out, and walk away spiritually from that sort of thing.....cultish....
They used to always come to my door dragging a kid or two along, early in the morning when I was in my early 20s because I was always nice to them and I think they figured they were getting into me. It was nearly every second weekend till one day they walked right in, standing in my hallway, thinking they know me I guess. I came shooting out of the bathroom having just finished my shower, stark naked, stopped, looked at the kids and said, What the fuck!? Them ones did not ever come back. Then a few years later at a different home I had they came dragging an old man with them with a cane and breathing issues. Took them five mins to get up my driveway from the car. Can't watch that happening so I have signs on all three doors saying No soliciting of religion or door to door products and No surveys or alarms systems. It works. If someone comes up to me asking if I am any certain religion I respond with "I was but I'm Good now"
What I think is more of a problem is people who aren't religious and don't believe in God who waste their time getting involved in discussions about something they hate and don't believe in. Anyway, I always cringe at the mall .. passing the kiosks. You *know* you're going to be approached. haha