Let me explain ! Me and my boss have a competition ,each year we Give each other a bottle of something we bought on our holidays , we done the Absinthe, Raki , Sambuka , You name it !!! this summer he brought back the most Evil thing I have ever Tasted ( not even that strong about forty % ) took me five months but I just finished the Bottle it came from Portugal and is called "Aldeia Velha " If anyone has any Idea What I can fuck him up with next year ? I remember this Chinese stuff I had over there but cant remember its name something like Ecoho or Summat like that Any Ideas Guys ( it dont have to taste nice thats not in the rules ) ??
Ok you have to be more clear. What is your goal? I mean if it's fucked up then everclear is an easy choice. If it's drinkability then what are you looking for?
Naw, he wants the nastiest of the nasty alcoholic drink to give. I'm guessing the competition is who can give the other guy some booze so vile it can't be finished. I'm not that much of an alcohol drinker, so I got nothin' Mally.. I could brew you some San Pedro cactus tea, I still shudder when I think about how vile that swill tastes. How does your boss feel about mescaline?
Everclear Sound like the one ! I watched some Vids on you tube You cant ever Get real Poteen Anymore or that would work
Everclear is boring though, get some moonshine and challenge him to eat the fruit in it after he's done.
the year you decide you quit, you should just piss in a bottle and tell him it's some expensive liquor from wherever you vacationed last.
Google says fernet Moonshine I actually enjoy and the ones with fruit are even better. The cherry have a stronger alcohol taste than the drink.
I was going to recommend this cheap knockoff of Popov Vodka I had awhile ago called "Winner's Cup" but I'm guessing it's been discontinued, cause I can't find any info on it. That shit had me walking through bushes, chain smoking Black and Milds while on it and my friend in the fetal position the entire following day. Along with Everclear, Bacardi 151. UD entry
uughhhh, Bacardi 151 *shudders violently* the summer of 1977 otherwise known as "the great Bacardi binge" Two friends and I got hammered on 151 numerous times that summer. I still can't smell/drink any rum without wretching uncontrollably. Kahlua is the only exception