I got a detention, and its due the 18th...crap, I am in big friggen trouble, we dont have school the 17, so I have to serve it the day its due...I dont know if its due that day, or if I have to serve it before that day... i am so stupid
Your detentions work differently than ours. Most of the time you just get lunch detention with a teacher, where you just have to do an assignment and eat lunch in their classroom during your lunch period. I get them all the time for stupid shite. But if you get an afterschool detention, you have to serve it either that day, or the next day, you don't get due dates and such. Those suck. What'd ya do, anyways?
we have to do them after school, in the cafateria...god its bad enough being in there during luch, let alone another hour. I was throwin snow balls...what do they exspect a bunch of kids whose bus is a half an hour late to do??
Ooh, I have gotten lunch detentions before... hahah... I got one for running outside when it started raining.
You take your guitars to school? Oliver is too cool for school... Ahaha... I got two for the same offence when our school got new linolium (sp?) floors. I took my high-heels off and went sliding down the halls in my stockings during history.