no, but i do have this wierd patch of freckles on my forearm...its like a different type of skin was transplanted there...
Ehhh.. Does that have something to do with bunnies? I'm sowwy, my English isn't quite as fluent yet. :&
my buttocks cracked you up? that is what I meant. I magine not all american slang gets across the pond. forgive me for forgetting your scandinavian origins.
you dont like it there. I was bummed in 2003 we were supposed to make norway our last port before coming home, but Then Colin Powell ( US secretary of defence) went to Syria and we had to hang around to show some muscle. They cancelled Portugal, Malta and Norway and ended up Just giving us a really long visit in Cartegena Spain instead. I was Bummed.
Aww, that sucks. Stupid Colin Powell (I know who he is ). Scandinavia is beautiful, Norway especially. Finland's pretty nice too, you should visit there sometime. It's not that I don't like it there... I just don't fit in there very well. Nature there is beautiful and all that, but people can be kinda... bahhhhh. Yep, bahhh's the right to describe them.
bahhhhh huh. well it woulda been Mid May and I have a feeling it would have been very pleasant. I hope to visit all three on the peninsila(sp?) some day.
Mid May... That would have been a good timing. People are less bahhhh at around that time, when they realise that summer is coming. By the end of June, everyone's again being all bahhhh coz they can't stand the hot weather. Awww, I'm giving you a terrible picture of Scandinavians... sowwy. Don't listen to me.