Obtaining a substance from poppy seed tea ???

Discussion in 'Opiates' started by MokshaMedicine, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. MokshaMedicine

    MokshaMedicine Banned

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    Well I've used poppy seed tea a few times and I decided it's my main source of opiates. I find it extremely effective and my research tells me it contains morphine, codein, hydrocodone, alprazolam, and even delta 9 THC (erowid).

    My question is, that I've been researching but with no luck, is how would I maybe be able to obtain solid chemical substance from the tea? Like maybe someone with a decent understanding in chemistry could explain how to obtain a precipitate.

    Thanks for any suggestions.
  2. Feelings Of U4ia

    Feelings Of U4ia Senior Member

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    Poppy seed tea does not contain Hydrocodone, Aprazolam, or THC.

    Where in the fuck is Erowid pulling this out of their ass from?

    That is one of the best ones I have heard lately...poppy seeds having Xanax in them, lol.


    The only reason the seeds have any active content, is if they get germinated by some of the excess opium that gets on them, from my understanding.

    Use pods, don't use seeds by the way. You can extract Opium from the pods, which can then be furthered into producing morphine, but you won't be getting anything out of the seeds.

    But yeah, poppy seeds do not contain xanax, hydrocodone, or thc. Use the pods if you are going to make a tea, you will have much better results, and an overall higher yield of the good stuff.
  3. Euphorial

    Euphorial Member

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    haha lol, yea there are some threads about this. Search them and you'll find some more information about the tea. From what you've said so far you're going to be REALLY surprised by what you find. :)

    Damn, that'd be awesome if you could get all that shit from it, tho! :D
  4. Feelings Of U4ia

    Feelings Of U4ia Senior Member

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    Most of the threads about the tea are Poppy Pod Tea, which is much stronger, and a lot safer too. With the seeds, there isn't any way to tell how much you are actually ingesting, each seed has a different amount on it, so it's easy to overdo it.
  5. MokshaMedicine

    MokshaMedicine Banned

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    Geez, don't freak a shit. I also am confused about the xanax. But here's this...and more directly...the following.


    The alprazolam isn't mentioned on the poppy seed tea kills website (the second link is a cache of the website). But however the medical examiner testing the actual poppy seed tea did find morphine, codein, and hydrocodone.
  6. Feelings Of U4ia

    Feelings Of U4ia Senior Member

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    It said that the concentrations of Morphine and Codeine were so high that it couldn't have come from ingesting pills/injection. It didn't group the Hydrocodone in that part, so I assume he just had taken Hydrocodone a few days prior to his death, because I have never heard of Hydrocodone being in Poppy Seeds or Pods.

    Anyways, regardless....you really will have MUCH better, and MUCH safer results, if you purchase the whole pods, and make poppy pod tea. As I said before, with the seeds there is NO way to ever know how much you are actually ingesting, because the amount of active substances on the seeds varies greatly from seed to seed. Some seeds have NO active content, and some of 10x the amount that another one does.

    That being said, the amount of active substance is so low on seeds (which is why you have to consume SO many) that I really doubt you could extract anything from them. Possibly if you do it on a really large scale basis, but I don't know.

    You can however, extract opium from the pods, which as I said can be converted into morphine....but you aren't going to be able to extract pure morphine or codeine, from the seeds, OR the pods. It all has to be converted.


    All this means is that these drugs were in his system at the time of death. This doesn't mean the tea contained any of these, because it doesn't. If he had these types of substances in his system, there is a good chance he experimented with Hydrocodone as well, which would explain it showing up, but I am almost certain that Poppy Seeds contain none of those substances. I know for a fact it doesn't contain Alprazolam or THC, and I really want to say that it doesn't contain Hydrocodone either.

    Hydrocodone is Semi-Synthetic, it isn't naturally occurring in the Opium Poppy, or the seeds, from my knowledge.
  7. jo_k_er_man

    jo_k_er_man TBD

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    haha! stupidity.. it's hilarious!
  8. Euphorial

    Euphorial Member

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    Well, no, I'm not gonna say stupid. I didn't mean to come off as rude, either, sorry man. If you follow through with the tea plan, use pods.

    Hope you are successful and have fun! :cheers2:
  9. jo_k_er_man

    jo_k_er_man TBD

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    Will tea make you nod? or is it more of a body buzz?
  10. Feelings Of U4ia

    Feelings Of U4ia Senior Member

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    Depends on your opiate tolerance. If you are an occasional user of opiates and hardly have a tolerance, you could catch a nice nod from poppy pod tea, from what I have heard anyways. I haven't tried it myself because I have a gigantic tolerance.
  11. CircaX43521

    CircaX43521 rat in a drain ditch

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  12. MokshaMedicine

    MokshaMedicine Banned

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    Yes, thank you very much. Yes, I guess I'm stupid, when theres a whole page somewhere describing thoroughly the answer to my exact question. :rolleyes:

    As for the pods...I will probably start using them. It appears you can get some cheap pods on ebay.
  13. Feelings Of U4ia

    Feelings Of U4ia Senior Member

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    Yeah, Ebay is the best place.
  14. bunchacrap

    bunchacrap Member

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    Damn, stinkin' noob here. (thought I'd go ahead and stay it before someone else does)

    Due to accessibility, SWIM decided to make some poppy seed tea here and there and drink it in tiny doses just to keep the fatigue and minor w/d away until their next PM dr. visit next week.

    I'll let you know how much SWIM drinks and what the result is, if anyone is interested. I've read a lot about poppy pod and seed tea and everything points to the pod tea being more potent and not as dangerous. I did get a whiff of the seed tea, though, and the smell alone made me want to barf. I don't think I could drink it!
  15. Feelings Of U4ia

    Feelings Of U4ia Senior Member

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    Who is SWIM? Everyone seems to know this guy, why can't he ever ask anything himself?

    By the way, it's not illegal to make poppy tea, so using SWIM here is kinda pointless. Also, for your safety, please use whole pods, the seeds are dangerous, you can't be certain how much is on each seed, so you can never make an accurate dosage. You will also get much more active product from the whole pods, which can be ordered on Ebay easily.
  16. blitz7341

    blitz7341 Banned

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    bwahahahaha xanax in poppy seeds. if that were true id be eating burgers morning noon and night
  17. bunchacrap

    bunchacrap Member

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    It may be legal today, but I am guessing it won't be forever. So, SWIM is very careful about what he says because the last thing he needs is someone looking up old posts to see that he has done it in the past. I guess he'd rather be safe than sorry!

    As for ordering them on ebay, isn't that a bit scary? They likely keep your information and/or paypal will show records of your purchase, right? So if the day comes that it is illegal to possess the pods, there's a giant list of buyers to check up on... lol, ok, maybe I'm just paranoid.
  18. Feelings Of U4ia

    Feelings Of U4ia Senior Member

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    I understand, but SWIM doesn't fool anyone, haha. There was a big news story here about a year ago that actually told parents the key terms to look for when watching your kids online, SWIM being one of them...so it's not going to fool anyone, especially law enforcement if you are worried about that.

    Why would ordering them on ebay be scary? It's not illegal...some places even sell dried pods in STORES!

    As long as you purchased something BEFORE it became illegal, then nothing can happen to you. Unless of course you still have the pods in your possession, but yes, you are being extremely over paranoid. Lol.
  19. Euphorial

    Euphorial Member

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    Any purchase under 5,000 pods shouldn't draw much attention.

    u4ia, you should take a look at my SWIM sig...
  20. Feelings Of U4ia

    Feelings Of U4ia Senior Member

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    I do, I laugh every time, I love it!

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