Beautiful speech delivered. Perfect points --perfect pause to convey the importance of this election.. And to add: MY doggy, what a difference between the trump family and the Biden family!!! I hope all can catch Obamas Brilliant speech. (oops --misspelled the title!)
Reminds me of the good ole days when a president could actually put together two consecutive sentences without stumbling over his words.
The funniest part is Trump clearly watched the speech and got jealous of the attention. Such a fragile snowflake. He knows Obama has respect and it drives him crazy. Why don't they do that for me because after all I am me the best at everything?
Yeah, just imagine if they would’ve given this guy a go for 8 years in the White House to see how many racial injustice problems he would’ve fixed. Lol
It is funny watching democrat leaders go on and on about how awful America has become in the years after 2 terms of Obama though
I don't think it's a good idea in the long run 1. Just comes off tit for tat 2. Again, it's someone else getting more attention than Biden 3. Who really cares what an ex president has to say
also, think though of the social climate he would face being the first African American to hold office and the ire of his colleagues should he put forth a racial inequity agenda... Hmm. They might even start a Party of No.
Trump is a mind addled, lying con man piece of shit that couldn't put together a coherent speech if he had to. Snowflake 3rd grader. If any of you didn't get Obamas speech and the importance of it---you are JUST LIKE TRUMP.
You guys get all bent out of shape if Clinton says something... Now you are all bent out of shape because Obama said something.... Obviously somebody "cares".
I disagree. It's really tragic considering how awful America has become in the years after two terms of Obama.
Clinton, they really should not have got him to speak at all, especially a few days after those new Epstein photos came out, that was just cringy As for the Obamas, I think Michelle handled it way better than Barack did
At one point you claimed to like him (a clear lie) and now you are so upset that he has even a little bit of spotlight and attention. One would think you would be OK with a former president you supported telling people to vote. But instead the black man is triggering you. He has about 30 million more followers than Trump in Twitter and it's well known most of Trump's twitter is Russian bots. Obama has actual Americans who for some reason still care about his day even when he has no power. The right wing can't stand it. When he was president all the right wing did was talk about stereotypes. They wanted him to be the deadbeat on welfare with 5 baby mommas so bad because that's how they see all black people. He's been married once and all his kids are from that women. On their aniversery he still posts to Twitter about how much he loves her. Compare that Trump. He has several baby mammas some of which have cheated the US immigration system. He's also cheated on his wives which the Bible frowns upon. He's also said he wanted to have sex with his own children. Don't think Jesus is cool with that And can you honestly picture him saying he loves anyone but himself? I sure cant. He loves the perceived jealousy his wife brings him. She is good because other men desire her so really they desire him You are mad at the wrong person.
I don't microwave anything for 45's I'll cook for 1:44 0:44 etc It's my own way of honoring my country. We still love you Berry!
Further to Obamas comments; If you had a Democrat President at the time, they wouldn't have initiated the China travel ban when required out of fear of being labelled a racist, and you'd have 1/2 million dead in the US by now
a lot of people care what an ex-president says, especially since the one in office isn’t very presidential at all