Obama Jump-Started Arab Spring...

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by oscar2u, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    That is the opinion of " NY TIMES " writer Barry Rubin. And here is his take on exactly why this is so. A well researched article with events and dates and more here:


    Are ANY Americans still proud of or still in support of the so very many tragic events that have resulted from this ARAB SPRING ? The murder of our Libyan ambassador and members of his staff. The ongoing civil wars in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and more. The destabilazation of the entire middle east.
    WAY TO GO DICKHEAD [ OBAMA ]. And we thought GW Bush was bad. At least GW was and is a loyal American. ...Oscar

    one short extract from above here:

    “Mr. Obama’s order, known as a Presidential Study Directive, identified likely flashpoints, most notably Egypt, and solicited proposals for how the administration could push for political change in countries with autocratic rulers who are also valuable allies of the United States, [emphasis added] these officials said.

    More here. A positive take on all this ?


    Read it you idiots and tell me this person [ Obama ] knows what he is doing. He reminds me of the geese I see following some goose who has lost his way and leading the flock North instead of South in the winter. I see these flocks and hear them quacking away with enthusiasm going exactly the WRONG way following the leader. Also, as the day comes to an end these geese always fly toward the setting sun. To the west which is more Northwest at this time of the year. Still, very much, the wrong direction. Their idiotic leader has clearly lost his way and is heading toward the sun as it sets in the west. It seems clear to me: The lead GOOSE [ Obama ] lost his way and is desperately trying to follow the sun to warmer weather. Too bad it is very much the wrong [ Northwest ] direction. But they QUACK with all the enthusiasm of a flock that is following a leader that knows where he is going. This enthusiasm NEVER fails UNTIL what ? They freeze to death or end up toughing it out in VERY unpleasant conditions,
  2. The Wind is My Friend

    The Wind is My Friend Guest

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    I've thought about these events in great depth. And unfortunately, I've come to the same general conclusions as you, but I'd like to illustrate further. First, we have to understand that many of the current ilk in seats of power throughout all three branches of government know nothing about what actually makes anything work, in this world. The executive is the worst, for they eschew reason and seek to impose their will on the other two, by fiat.

    Essentially, we have a naive and idiotic band of Keystone Cops in the Executive branch. They cede all authority over all things to themselves, but they have a hard time not tripping over their shoelaces. These people, you realize, have none of the life experience necessary to even live as a welfare recipient, successfully... let alone command executive power over a nation. I doubt they've even seen the color of their own blood since childhood.

    Let's face it... any and all working people here can relate their dashed hopes of this MERCANTILE, and it's failure is a practical one -- not knowing the value of anything, and being mired in narcissism, unable to accomplish anything other than make-shift image repairs.
  3. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    Thank you " wind is my friend " for your thoughtful response. These events are of the utmost importance. But, if you dare to criticize the KEYSTONE COPS in charge and initiating these events called " The Arab Spring " you will find little support in this group. You almost always get some barely intelligible response with large pictures that have NOTHING to do with this issue and short MEANINGLESS quips from idiots that can NOT put a simple sentence together that means anything. Just some smarty pants reply that is supposed generate a laugh from their fellow know it alls. ...Oscar
  4. alana2

    alana2 Member

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    These people know exactly what they are doing, starting trouble is good for business and that is the be all and end all of everything that goes on in the world.

    It is all about money, they are not interested in making things work, they are interested in what makes debt, because debt makes money for the banksters.

    The rest is down to clever marketing "Arab Spring" "WMDs" "Freedom" "Coke is the real thing" "I'm loving it". Why complicate matters.

    Then "tell a lie that is big enough and repeat it often enough and it will be believed" A Hitler
  5. oscar2u

    oscar2u Banned

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    It is noteworthy that you mentioned A. Hitler. Along with your using CoKe as your answer to this problem. That is very much the situation in prewar Germany. It was all about PARTYING and having fun in those prewar years in Germany. Well, the party ended rather abruptly with Hitler`s takeover of Germany and men such as you ended up IN THE ARMY NOW or dead if they protested. Most of those German`s ended up in the German army. And most of them ended up dead eventually, mostly fighting the Red Army, or Russians. Fighting on the Western Front was considered preferable to fighting on the Eastern front by Germans. ...Oscar

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