NY City and State finally opened a dozen or so dispensaries- - -However IMO is not enough, they have made it sooo hard to get approved (I think I heard only about 10 illnesses or health issues will get you there)- -and the biggest one- - NO buds- - only oils, pills. etc... IMO this will make it much harder to legalize as Colorado and our other western states. In NJ pretty much the same thing ,,with Christie that fat bastard criminal governor who thinks he has a chance to be president ,,,has put on limit on the THC count that could be sold . I don't know when the to eastern states that have huge populations and are worth many many votes are gonna come around ,and I guess you have to start somewhere- -but the grand openings yesterday were anti-climatic and a disappointment - - Again my 2 1/2 cents jack
I have a friend who lives in New York. His wife has medial issues which would for sure give her a card in Colorado. But they don't want to hear it over there. Basically since she is not going to die tomorrow she does not qualify. Her daily quality of life means nothing.
I used to live in NY. Just moved to Colorado recently. The way I look at what happened with the NY law is like this: We've got a bunch of conservative old fucks in office in NY who think cannabis use is the scourge of the Earth. The people spoke enough times and loudly enough that they finally HAD to listen to the voters and implement some kind of MMJ or risk losing a good chunk of their constituency. But behind closed doors they didn't support this at all. So what they did was make it technically PASS but with so many goddamn regulations, stipulations, provisions etc that it will remain virtually impossible for anyone to access it. That way they look like some kind of progressive, liberal good guys in the eyes of the general public and are not seen as blatantly opposing their voting constituency. So yeah the law is a fucking joke. It was passed to appease voters, NOT to genuinely provide MMJ access to people
Alot of the east coast states that are legalizing medical use of cannabis are making the laws much stricter then the west coast states have.For one some states prevent cultivation,and alot of states make it almost impossible to get because they have only certain qualifying conditions to get it.Also the very high prices for meds ,lack of dispensaries only makes it almost impossible for sick people to get as easier as out west