Nvidia Laptops

Discussion in 'Computers and The Internet' started by wooleeheron, May 25, 2024.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Nvidia ARM laptops may be in the works, and that could change everything (msn.com)

    Nvidia's fans think of them as Gods, everyone else points out they charge way too fucking much, to have anything to do with God, and are nothing more than engineers who stomped on Intel, whose motto is "Good Enough" and AMD did the same, after Intel almost made them go bankrupt.

    Anyway, the Pentagon forbade Nvidia from making laptops, and driving Intel into the toilet, and it seems Nvidia is trying to persuade them they need their gaming AI software, for combat. Microsoft's "Hologlasses" turned out to be a complete disaster, making everyone throw up, and Microsoft told them it would require two years to solve the problem. Nvidia could easily produce the next generation true holographic sunglasses, that make Microsoft hide under the fucking table, and it looks like they've given Nvidia more leverage with the Pentagon.

    VR is brand new, and already being integrated into drones. For about 800 bucks you can wear a headset that gives you the equivalent of a 55" monitor, but Nvidia's will be the real deal, 3D all the way, and you can operate a humanoid robot too. Robots are already faster, more agile, etc. but the Pentagon wants human operators for specific missions, and is still working on making them dead silent.

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