Thank you for that information! That was very informative, something that I was not aware of. These are the types of discussions that I hope to have. Only one other post on this thread was as helpful as you are, although I appreciated all who had offered their input. I would love to hear more from you again, even if it is about nudity in general. You have a unique perspective on nudity and you appear to be very observant in what you see. Your thoughts are important to me.. I hope that you have a great day!
I am a full nudist at home, and full commando outside. It generally feels so much more freeing. And ont he topic of breasts... My 32ddd s actually sit higher now that I've ditched bras for a few years than when I didn't. I despise pants and shorts purely because they limit how much I can move my legs. It's all about freedom and pleasure.
LydaG, You are correct, My wife and I are both home and campground resort nudist. The notion of wearing clothes is a bummer. It is a mindset of freedom and empowerment.
Thank you Lyda for your reply. I appreciate the ladies' views especially with the perspective they have towards nudity. It's also interesting that you mention your breasts because it's something that I didn't think would be the case and to hear this from a woman makes it more powerful! I wish this was something that I knew earlier, but that's neither here nor there. I wish more women would respond to this question. It always is good to have their perspective. Thank you for your insight on this question!
I'm curious.....and you don't have to answer if you don't want to.....did you stay nude for the rest of the day? Thank you for sharing that story! I loved it!
I enjoy walking around my apartment in the nude, generally after bathing in the evening. But not because I'm into public nudity. It's kinda hard to describe, but there's this feeling of danger / risk / vulnerability that makes it somehow exciting. And subconsciously I guess I'm kinda hoping my sexy neighbor will knock on the door at just the right time. But that's a fantasy for another forum.
Not in dresses but in shorts. (This man doesn't wear dresses) I also cycle sans underwear which most cyclists learn right off that underwear should not be worn with cycling shorts. I do not wear underwear when I swim either. I'll go one step further and swim nude if I get the chance. In fact I do everything commando. I haven't wore underwear since . . . . . . . . childhood.
Bathing in the evening after bathing sounds fantastic, especially after a long day at work. As far as your neighbor is concerned, maybe you can invite him over for dinner and "dessert"afterward (that is if he's not married.)! I realize it's not as spontaneous, but it could still be fun!
Oh well. I'm sorry. I still love your idea about being in the nude after bathing! It sounds so hot! I was happy, something I forgot to mention, that you responded to my post. It's always fun to see what other people's ideas about home nudity are from women. They not only have creative ideas but they also bring different perspectives to the table. It's why I wanted to hear from both men and women and I do hope this continues. I also hope the men continue with this as well. Both men and women who have responded to this post have been a big help! Thank you, again, for your thoughts. Feel free to weigh in anytime! I would love to hear back from you again.
My wife has been known to wander around the house nude if it’s a particularly warm day. She came a bit unstuck when we had an extension built and very wide bifolding doors fitted. Our elderly gardener turned up one day and didn’t announce his arrival so was treated to a full frontal of my wife through the glazing. Ever the gentleman, he said nothing and carried on. He has seen her naked many times since and has even had his tea and cake delivered to him naked. She would love to potter around the garden nude but she is fair skinned and worried about sun damage.
Your gardener seems to be a decent guy. Have you ever been nude along with your wife? If not, has she ever asked you to be nude with her? Thank you for your comments. They are much appreciated.
I have been nude with her around the house but not outside. I have a photosensitivity issue since I was young and suffered severe sunstroke so use total sunblock. I would need to bathe in it to go outside naked lol. The gardener is a lovely old chap. He is probably beyond a lot of the heavy gardening chores but he is very reasonable and widowed so the gardening gets him up and out each day. If my wife is sans clothes he overstays his working hours!
I have seen them too, but I do not buy it. There is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. All you have to do is look at societies that do not wear bras - ever. By the time a woman reaches middle age, the breast are practically to their waste. Over and over. And they have never wore a bra. There is a ridiculous notion that it is because they got married young and breast fed. Which is ridiculous. Because societies the world over have histories of people getting married very young... and their breast don't droop to their knees. The only thing that is different is they never wear bras. Take my wife. She is a D cup. Breast-fed both of her boys, wore bras all the time except when she sleeps. They are fantastic. And she is 56. Her nipples still stare straight ahead, and her breast simply do not droop. Then there is the claim that African women by genetics droop worse. Well that is just stupid, because there are African women all over the planet and only the tribal gals who never wore bras droops so badly. And their size hardly matters. They can be an A cup, only late 20s and their boobs are already sagging.
At least you are able to share around the house. Are you able to watch your wife from your house at least? I would be a little nervous if I wasn't able to see my wife nude with another man around. I'm just wondering, nothing more.
I can go outside with her but just not naked as it’s not worth the hassle of covering myself from head to toe in sunblock. As for her naked with another man around, it’s possibly the least sexual situation ever. He is too old and she doesn’t sashay around. He enjoys the view but I suspect he thinks she/we are eccentric/loopy!
I suggest you sit down with your wife, knee to knee, face to face and explain our nudist desires. Get it out on the table. She may or may not go along with you, but you have just as much right to be you as she does. My wife has found that exploring nude life is a great adventure, life changing and empowering. She can socialize freely nude with both men and women. It’s just a normal occurrence for us. Get naked in the house and stay that way. Use towels on all chairs and sitting areas.
Your suggestion is sound and it had crossed my mine to do that. I have received some very good ideas that I can incorporate including this one and I appreciate every one of them. It also has to be the right time, which is not just now. AlthoughI'm waiting patiently to move forward in this lifestyle, I'm also waiting for our daughter to take her boards so that she can get a place of her own. Feel free to PM me if you would like to talk more. I will be more than happy to lay it out more in that forum. I'll be off most of today, though, so it could be a while before I get back to you. Again, thank you for your input. It means a lot to me! Talk with you soon.
I love sleeping nude and moving around the house. Because of how the house and garage is situated, I can even venture outside in the backyard completely hidden. It feels awesome...