Hi Everyone! I'm new to this site. I'm looking for opinions from both men and women about nudity. I enjoy being naked and I'm trying to get my wife involved with me, but it's not working out so well. Part of the problem is because our adult daughter is at home temporarily until she passes her boards and she also works flexible hours. What suggestions can you give me with respect to bring naked in the house. I'm absolutely serious about this, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I'll answer any questions that you may have. This is really important to me. Thank you.
I'm not so sure there is anything you can say to get someone more comfortable with their own nudity. Nudity for so many people is a very private and personal subject. My wife is not comfortable with her nudity on the level that I am but it doesn't stop me from enjoying spending 2-3 hours naked throughout the house. Many times I exit from the shower to go downstairs and prepare us breakfast fully nude, then vacuum and dust the house to return to the living room couch and watch television with her. It almost always leads to her fondling my balls and gently stroking my shaft until we head to the bedroom. I could never be comfortable enough to be naked in public though, not even at a beach with everyone else naked.
I agree with you Sara about the kids. If you don't want to answer feel free not to (I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable or awkward situation), but are you naked when you're at home? Thanks.
Personally I am not too comfortable with it so each to their own I say . Also I dont live in an area where it is particularly warm and clothes are the best way of keeping warm without adding to the carbon footprint . I understand those who dont wear clothes in warmer climates or hot summers. Interesting subject but I feel it may be better served posting it in the Bare it section Bare It!
I am nude in my home as much a I can be. My spouse is not but doesn't chastise me about my nudity. I have had my children as adults come in and out, even staying with us for a while until they got back on their feet. Friends of ours have come for an impromptu visit where I am nude when they arrive. All of our children and several of our friends have seen me naked but out of consideration for their comfort I dress. If a friend, child, or even grandchild of mine comes in and I am nude I simply excuse myself, dress, and return to enjoy the visit.
Maybe it's because of the weather here or the way my house keeps heat but I wouldn't be warm enough to be nude for very long. But I wear socks to bed in the winter so I'm not a reliable source of reason.
Perhaps this should be in the Nudism section? Nothing wrong in being naked at home. My family (me, partner + 2 kids) are a nudist family. My partner is a bit more of a part time nudist, but often all off us are naked at home. It's a lifestyle choice and it's not as unusual as you may think.
If I'm alone at home and it's hot outside. I might just be in t-shirt and underwear unless I'm going out.
Our kids are grown up & on their own., so nudity is commonplace at our home. My routine is to strip as soon as I get home, just like most people remove a coat.... but I don't stop until I'm naked. Both of our kids know that we are nudists & don't have a problem with it. Our son used to be uneasy about it, but not anymore. We've even had Thanksgiving & Christmas together with him & his family & I've been naked the entire time.
My wife and I are always nude in the hot tub. We use that 5 - 6 times a week. She sleeps with just panties, and I just underwear. Sleeping nude is kinda gross. A little thing called fecal matter is always present in your crack. No thanks. I am usually nude when masturbating. Other than that I am clothed.
When I'm home alone I like to nude as much as possible and I always sleep in the nude. If the kids are around (adults now) or family or friends are coming to the house, I put something on.
Not necessarily, it depends how it's done. If you tell her that you like being naked and maybe keep it to certain parts of the house and/or times so she can avoid you if she wishes then it's up to her how much she is willing to tolerate. Scarring only happens when it's forced upon someone and they have a particular distaste for it.