Nudist or Exhibitionist?? what am I?

Discussion in 'Bare It! Nudism and Naturism' started by ClassicIron, Jun 2, 2019.

  1. ClassicIron

    ClassicIron Members

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    I did not grow up in a nudist home at all, but I always have had an urge to run naked outdoors. Not to be seen, but just to be naked.I rarely got the chance until recently. I went tent camping alone to a remote state park. I scoped it out well, and walked the trails clothed during the day. At night, I took off all my clothes, even my shoes, and stepped out of my tent and started walking. All I had was a small penlight, but the moonlight provided enough light. It was so awesome! Glorious! Never have I felt so alive. Feeling the wind on my skin and being naked under the starts, all the while feeling the sensations of the trail under my bare feet. I wanted to see how far I could get from my campsite before I chickened out. I got over two miles the first night. The next night, I pushed myself further: I walked across a pedestrian bridge over a river, out in the open. There was no one around to see, but there could have been. Had someone come, I would have had no place to hide. On the third night, it started raining. Oh my God, I was shaking as I ran out of my tent! Naked in the rain, feeling it wash over me was like nothing I had felt before. I have never told anyone about this experience. Although it was not really erotic, since as it was happening I did not get aroused, but thinking about it now is very arousing. Thanks for reading, I had to get this off my chest. Would appreciate your comments, guidance, and your own similar experiences.
  2. Colojohn

    Colojohn Members

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  3. Colojohn

    Colojohn Members

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    I've done that loads of times, I love masturbating in the open, it's just natural, I also like talking about it, huge turn on
    jen1976 and bananaman321 like this.
  4. ClassicIron

    ClassicIron Members

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    Please share some of your experiences!
    notchstroke likes this.
  5. bill697cu

    bill697cu Members

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    I enjoy hiking nude and it is so wonderful. Barefoot and bare ass is the only way to hike. I have been caught in a few rain storms but just kept going and loved being nude in the rain. Just go for it an enjoy it.
    Mobius_Stripped and NudistTed like this.
  6. CyclingNaturally

    CyclingNaturally Members

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    My understanding is that exhibitionism is getting off on being seen. So, not sure how that falls here. If you aren't being naked for the sake of getting off, then it isn't exhibitionism. That being said, don't worry about putting a label on it. Just don't partake in doing harm to yourself or others.

    I once camped nude, alone, for two nights. Masturbated outside of the tent. It was Can't describe it or replicate it. However, I wasn't hoping to get caught and I would have probably fainted (literally) if I had been caught. Maybe I would have even had a heart attack and died.
  7. Nude58

    Nude58 Members

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    I am a nudist and exhibitionist and also love masturbating in public. Normally after sitting in the sun for an hour or so everything heats up. The goal is not to be seen and there is no better feeling!
  8. dabla

    dabla Member

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    You could be both. Nudists are still human, and still fall into the human range of sexuality.
    finisher and notchstroke like this.
  9. bananaman321

    bananaman321 Members

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    Why can't you be both - I am !
    I am an ardent nudist both at home and on nudist beaches and spas.
    In the right circumstances - e.g. no children present or ladies present to offend, I love to show off my hard cock. At the nudist spa I go to, the only rule is that you don't offend. When there are only guys about, I put my cockrings to ensure my cock stays hard all the time. Always had favourable reactions and requests to feel how hard my cock is. How can I refuse !! In the sauna and steamrooms, wanking and cock sucking is almost mandatory !!!
    NudistTed likes this.
  10. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    I didn't read the OP, but I would say that if you have to ask, you're probably an exhibitionist.
  11. travelguy61

    travelguy61 Members

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    Probably both to. always enjoyed being nude and being nude around others. :grinning:
    Joe90 and NudistTed like this.
  12. Steveh

    Steveh Members

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    I get a thrill out of both
  13. NubbinsUp

    NubbinsUp Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    First, a suggestion, then my answer to your question. If you are going to be out nude where others who have not consented to see a nude person may see you, carry a rolled or folded pair of shorts in one hand. You are no less nude, but if you happen upon anyone, or anyone happens upon you, put your shorts on. By consent, I mean that when you are nude on a clothing-optional beach as indicated by a posted sign or guidebook in wide circulation, everyone there may is presumed to have given consent to see you nude.

    When you happen upon a family eating near their tent in the woods on land that is not your property, they have not consented to see you this way, so put your shorts on, as soon as you are aware that they are near, and preferably before they have seen you. Also, laws vary from place to place, but adult men have been charged with serious crimes and required to register as a sex offender for something as simple as unzipping to urinate in an alley when drunk. Neither wearing nor carrying any clothes, you won't have much of a defense if someone is offended, snaps a picture of you on their phone, and reports you to the authorities.

    Answer to your question - you are both an exhibitionist, and based on your posting, a naturist, which is a subset of nudist. You don't mention being nude around the house or at friends' houses, or during clothing-optional class in a yoga studio for example, so what interests you is being nude outdoors, being a naturist. Even though you say that no one saw you, and you weren't seeking to be seen by others, what probably aroused you was the danger of being seen. It was enough to arouse you to know that someone might have seen you, and you harnessed the excitement around that danger into sexual energy, your arousal at thinking back on it. That's the exhibitionist part - excitement regarding the risk involved.
    Curiouscouple2469 likes this.
  14. jdwnyc75

    jdwnyc75 Members

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    Last edited: Nov 29, 2019
  15. Biggles_Nude!

    Biggles_Nude! Hakuna matata.

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    A feeling of being totally liberated from the constrictions of clothes and walking around naked in the environment happy and contented is not exhibitionism. Exhibitionism is when you are out naked and deliberately seek attention, and that sort of behaviour is unfortunately all too common at nudist beaches (and some nudist resorts!). Good for you if your retrospective feeling of having done it, gone out there clothes-free, is one of eroticism. Enjoy!

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