nudist living w non nudist family members........

Discussion in 'Bare It! Nudism and Naturism' started by NudistTed, Nov 22, 2017.

  1. NudistTed

    NudistTed The Naked Man

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    Are you a nudist who lives with non nudist family members such as parents, siblings, etc. I want to know how you deal with living nude with them. Have they given you positive or negative comments, etc. Please no PERVS or PERVY responses.........I am a nudist who lives with non nudist parents and they have been very supportive of my nudism. I want to know if there are others like me who live with non nudist family.
    thesantos29 and Joe90 like this.
  2. magickman

    magickman Supporters HipForums Supporter

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    I've always wondered how this works out, it wouldn't work for me...we have a nudist colony an hour north of here. People talk of it but I've never been there. I keep forgetting...its been there a long time.
    Asphalt-cowboy likes this.
  3. Daretobare

    Daretobare Member

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    My wife and I are nudists. Our one son still lives at home. All our kids know of our liking of our nudist lifestyle and accept it. They just prefer not to see mom and dad nude so we stay dressed in their presence.
    GLENGLEN likes this.
  4. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    So what does that mean?
    You live with your parents, walk around nude all the time, they are not nude
    And judging by your avatar, you are a grown up dude?

    What do you really expect people to say? Why not just get your own place?
  5. NudistTed

    NudistTed The Naked Man

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    Because your son lives with you, does that mean u don't go nude at home unless he is out? Does he really mind your nudity? How is it working for you?
  6. Daretobare

    Daretobare Member

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    My wife and i had been living the nude life at beaches and resorts for about eight years. We are members of a nude resort next door to our winter home. Our one son moved into the same community we are in with no knowledge of the resort next door. Most all our neighbors are members there also. My wife felt it was time to disclose it before it leaked out. We took him to visit the resort without him knowing where we were going. After the shock and discussion he understood more about it. In fact he joined as a youth member that week. We told his one sibling two months later when he and his wife came to visit. We told them the same way. They too accepted and got a vacation pass while they were there. We told our oldest son when we came home in spring.
    Ironically... None of our sons or or daughter in law felt it wrong once they saw what the lifestyle was really about. But at this time they arent into seeing the parents nude a or being nude around us. We accept that. But feel that will eventually relax through time.
    Asphalt-cowboy likes this.
  7. bill697cu

    bill697cu Members

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    My wife tolerates my nudity and I'm nude at home most of the time. If I have expected company over I will put shorts on. There have been a few times when unexpected company shows up and I have been caught nude. I just act normal and put shorts on (swim trunks most of time).
    Joe90, Steveh and NudistTed like this.

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