Why is it that when a guy sees his girl neighbor outside naked he sticks around to see as much as he can, yet when that same girl sees him naked, she acts shocked and high tails it out of there? This actually just happened to me! I thought I was just kinda returning the favor!
Contrary to what us guys think....most women don't care about dick pics seeing you naked may be fun for her in the bedroom but not in a non-sexual situation.
Added to the above. I just think women's bodies are a thing of beauty . The curves are smooth. and perfectly formed. They are also admired by their own gender as well . A Guys body tends to be more functional than a thing of beauty . Some of those views may be just me being straighter than straight
People do not become nudists to entertain others, they go nude to free their soul. You cannot say that only people with attractive bodies can go nude, if one group can go nude than everyone can bare it all. I do not believe that people should walk around town naked, it will distract drivers and cause accidents. I see nothing wrong with someone working or relaxing in their back yard naked. A child can be traumatized in the park if someone jumps out from behind a tree and exposes himself, but a child would not be traumatized by looking over the back yard fence and seeing the neighbor quietly tending to the garden naked. The child might stare for a few minutes, but the child should be traumatized by the incident.
Best part of my day is when I can be outside in my yard nude enjoying the feeling of sun and a breeze.
Being outside nude is fun, at least the one time my wife and I tried it and it didn’t end very well. It was at night, we went into our big backyard completely naked, and our dog jumped up on the sliding back door and pulled the locking latch down. We had to find a brick and breakout our side garage door window. It was still fun and freeing!
I don't understand why I enjoy it so much, but it's quite fun to walk around my apartment naked. Maybe because it's something I can't do outside? But like one said above, it does somehow make me feel more free. Hard to explain.
Swimming naked is so freeing. It’s even better when we have company over. I love flirting and teasing in the pool or hot tub. I love the feeling of knowing that a can be seen and the rush of being vulnerable at the same time. Jay loves it when I’m being naughty when others are around.
Yeep! The sun is beaming in and it will over 80F today. My wife and I both will be naked. Nudity is a big part of our lives together and so natural. A cool outdoor shower will happen later. Just too hot for clothes where we live.
Being nude at home is fine , it's just being with oneself . In reality we are what we are WITHOUT CLOTHES
Closest i've come is nude at friends apartments the morngins after. Nothin quite like makin some breakfast nude