Do you think there will be a thermonuclear war at some point in the future or will humanity evolve to perpetually keep this at bay,because it's the only chance we have.
I don't think there will be an all-out nuclear war. The only reason the "powers that be" would allow that to happen would be if humanity grew to an unsustainable population. That would be one solution but the problem is that the collateral damage would not be worth what would be gained. So you take out a billion or two people entire area of the planet is now useless for everyone left. There are better ways.
It seems inevitable that someone somewhere will get around to using a nuke/some nukes in war, but I don't worry so much about a globe killing (strategic rather than tactical) nuclear war. I worry more the dumber and more ideological are the leaders of the nuclear equipped nations -- Reagan damn near got us all killed in '83 while I was wearing a US Air Force uniform and spending my time working at a missile warning radar. (You can find out how he managed to put us at as great or greater peril than during the Cuban Missile Crisis if you search the web for "Able Archer". And earlier that same year things got twitchy on the Soviet side -- search for "Stanislov Petrov" to learn about that.) That all said, the stupid fucks who run Israel scare me because at the moment they're the dumbest and most ideological nuclear power, and in my estimation the most likely to use tactical nuclear weapons at this time. Were it to happen that someone as stupid and ideological as, say, Ted Cruz, were to be elected president of the US, then the US would scare me more than Israel does just because of our greater capacity to ruin the world prematurely. (Prematurely meaning "before the sun, an asteroid, a massive volcanic event, or some other force of nature does it".)
Some dipshit will push a button somewhere... Then some dipshit on the other side will have to retaliate. Or a scarier situation, some hacker will do it for them.
No offense but I'm pretty sure God can not intervene. If God was going to intervene, I can think of plenty of times when it was warranted and didn't seem to happen. If it could have happened and didn't....I'll just let that lack of action speak for itself. If everything that has happened was just part of the plan ( intervention)....well....I'll let that speak for itself too.
Well, I mean, the way we've been going about things, do the people in charge even care about the environment if we were to drops the bombs? We're already ruining it... and no one cares now. Add the title "president of the world" at stake, shit son... motherfucker'd live underground for that title...
I do believe God will step in before any huge nuclear disaster. Armeggedon will come before a nuclear incident. The bible says the earth will stand until times indefinite, which means forever. A global nuclear bombing will definitely ruin the earth. God is not going to let that happen. His plan is in motion as we speak.
I mean if there was an unavoidable massive asteroid on collision course with Earth,and our attempts to destroy or deflect it failed,do you think the gooberments would contrive some quick nuke war as a better option to the chaos of going through that?
Nahh. But I do think the best option would be a giant international nuclear "strike" as far out in space as we could, to give time for any successive bombings necessary. That's really about the only reasonable (and not barbaric or very short-sighted) use of nuclear energy I can imagine. I think the waste and crap we're digging up and the ways we pathologically fuck up with it and don't take it seriously is the real danger - there have been many times it was a real concern, but I don't think we'll die of nuclear holocaust. I think some people will die in some attacks by some countries/people, at some point, but I don't think anyone will push the mutually assured destruction button, because assuring mutual destruction means assuring your own destruction.... and no matter how bad it is, destruction is worse in that it simply doesn't exist. Just about nobody will make that choice. It's pretty hard to be convinced that it's better to choose to kill millions or billions. (well, unless jesus is reeeeaaaalllllyyyy on your side - which is apparently, eerily, the case with USAF nuclear guys) Millions, or billions, already suffer from the effects of digging up the most destructive stuff on our planet, and spreading it around for everybody to ingest. Cumulatively, I think there will be much greater suffering due to nuclear waste and spills and disasters, than weaponized uses of nuclear material. Nuclear waste is the gift that keeps on giving. If you dig the shit out of pandora's box, there's just no good way to handle it - maybe it should have stayed in the fucking box.
There is a very large asteroid that orbits close to the Earth every three years.And new ones are discovered all the time.I think we need to devise multiple back up plans and try everything we can think of if we discover one that is def gonna hit us. I just think the current crises in the world,including financial austerities,endemic social breakdown and global insecurity regarding conventional warfare in middle east,focuses people's attention on immediate survival problems rather than potential extinction events and environmental problems.
And what's that got to do with touching God's eye? Besides that, how do you know Armageddon isn't a nuclear war.... Seriously, dude, 2000+ year old writings, written by MEN can't be taken so literally.
Don't forget the Soviet sub B 59 and Vasili Arkhipov, the first man to save the world.
That is not what indefinite means, lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time Your life is of indefinite proportions.
Nuclear war is inevitable. Skynet will simultaneously release every nuclear missle at the same time at 4:27 pm EST on June 12th 2019.
Classic LornaDoom. God will prevent a nuclear disaster so the prophecy of armaggedon can be fulfilled