New JerUSAlem 616ew York $hitty The original Capitol of USA CIA USA NSA Trinity SpeCIAl Agent/Angel/Anglo/Angle SataNSAtan NASAtan Network 7 Systems 7 Analyst 7 616 - Jesus in middle of 6 Apostles on each side
0n 9-11 2001 the sign of Islam appeared in the sky (Jupiter in mouth of Cresent Moon ar 3am) in the Film 2001 Space Oddesy the astronaut finds himself floating in space in front of the Kabba sign of Islam.
Several Presidents, Clinton, Busche, Obama ... Have lined their pockets with Saudi Graft. So it has been said that Saudis have a plan to set up a world Islamic Empire, and buying the USA Military (The Whore = Guns for Hire) is their methodology to accomplish this objective. Busche flew Saudi Royals out of USA before FBI could question them on 9-11 They were in the White House when the bobms w4ent off.
All religion is just used as a distraction. Christians now hate Muslims because of 9/11 and that is the whole point. The Illuminati need people to squabble amongst themselves so they never have the power to see what it is really going on. It is true Bush flew the Saudi Royals out but 9/11 itself was just a Illuminati sacrifice ritual. A ritual that has been used as the false flag for our freedoms to be eroded away. People give them up because they are so afraid the invisible enemy will get them if they do not.