I assume you take issue with my comments in another thread, well provide the science to refute what I stated concerning the role of meat meals in our evolution and I will consider it, until then I'm rather confident in my position. remember I'm talking about our early evolution, not modern day with super markets and shit,.
its lame to use peoples screen names in a thread title not meant as an honoree of some kind.... i thimk its actually against the rules hence the double entendre
People do this on this forum too? Gosh, I hate threads like this. I hated them when it was about someone else, and I especially hated them when they were about me. Don't get me wrong, some were actually positive, which those I don't mind because they're essentially positive. I still didn't like the attention, but at least those were positive. It was the negative threads that got me crying. 14 year old me, crying in my room... like a little bitch, lol. I just don't understand why people feel the need to talk shit about other people. I can understand venting if someone did something to upset you. For example, someone on a forum calls you a bitch, and that upset you. I can understand calling them a bitch back. Or venting to someone else about this person calling you a bitch. But, if nothing happened. If all it really is, is that you don't like the person's posts... why do you need to talk shit about them? Especially going around the forum to talk shit about them. Or making invidious threads talking shit about them. The weirdest part about this whole thing is that these people talk about how great their life is. Or how they don't take the forum seriously. But, I'm here thinking, are you sure? Because you're choosing your time, even though it's not all your time because no one goes on a forum 24/7, to talk shit about people just because you don't like their posts. They did nothing to your first born, but you're acting like they did. Can I say get a life? Or would that be hypocritical because I'm spending my Saturday night, as a young adult on a forum? And to make this even sadder for myself, I have been going to forums since I was 10. So, maybe I shouldn't be talking. That's mostly why I get threads about me. Lol! But, point is... that if you don't like someone's posts, there is clearly an ignore feature on every forum, or you can manually ignore them. But, if it goes deeper than just posts. Like they did something to you, I can understand the fighting. Even though, after so much fighting... you should still ignore them. I've seen like ten year freuds bertwen people on forums. That's why too long to stay upset with someone.