Now look at what Hephatrump is planning

Discussion in 'U.S.A.' started by Vladimir Illich, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    They want to bury radioactive waste in our backyards (t)"> (e)"> (d)"> (o)">
    Tue, 2 Jun 2020 8:33


    The government wants to bury radioactive waste in the same exact ground where we get our water, grow our food, and let our kids play!

    Sign Now

    Using the chaos surrounding COVID-19 as a cover, the Trump administration has been pushing all manner of frightening policy changes in the U.S. In particular, they've been using this opportunity to increase emissions in our air — from vehicles, power plants, and particle pollution — which have been linked to higher rates of death from the coronavirus. Now, they want to take it a step further: the U.S. government wants to allow radioactive waste to be buried right in our backyards.

    Not only is this hideous on the surface, but it gets even worse when you factor in the current pandemic. Exposure to the extreme levels of radiation emanating from this refuse can literally burn our respiratory tracts and skin. The waste remains radioactive for one million years and — big surprise — will most likely be dumped near lower income communities of color. Don't let this disgusting and dangerous policy go through. Stop the Trump administration from poisoning our communities with radioactive nuclear waste!

    Thank you for all that you do,

    Miranda B.
    The Care2 Petitions Team

    P.S. Trump literally doesn't care if we're all poisoned with nuclear waste. Let's start a political firestorm so loud he has to pay attention!


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