Now I Get It

Discussion in 'Anal Sex' started by Deleted member 159087, Aug 7, 2021.

  1. With a nice long buttplug up my happy ass, I now really appreciate the phrase "Sit on it!"
  2. I stand (sit) erected (corrected)....
    Captain Scarlet likes this.
  3. Slacker Of Krypton

    Slacker Of Krypton Senior Member

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    Every guy should enjoy a butt plug along with a cock ring. Better erections and orgasms.
    Your partner will appreciate the difference...
    nuspieds likes this.
  4. I believe my next delivery will be exactly that, but combined! Who knew??
  5. Slacker Of Krypton

    Slacker Of Krypton Senior Member

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    You will not regret it friend...
    nuspieds likes this.
  6. Homminna Homminna Homminna...

    Slacker Of Krypton likes this.
  7. iamjustme

    iamjustme Wishful thinker HipForums Supporter

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    For sure... I 100% didn't "get it" up until only a couple years ago. Pretty sure I have spoken "against" it here in the past.
    Then there was that one day I was really-really horny and started fingering my ass while masturbating... I was shocked at how strong the orgasm was.
    Now I put something in my ass prolly 25% - 30% of the time.... any fella not doing so is missing out on explosive orgasms he has no idea even exist.
    nuspieds likes this.
  8. Well now....
    I feel dreamy inside and I have X amount of sweet sweet precum to enjoy, but a mind-busting Do I have to actually masturbate to get that or is my plug not quite long/big enuff or posed in the right direction? I do love the flowing precum, tho.
  9. pharmer420

    pharmer420 Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I love that precum. Best lube ever.
  10. just sitting with a small plug up the ass. Fuck, it feels sexy, naughty, and fun! I fuckin' love it!

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