
Discussion in 'German' started by Orsino, May 16, 2004.

  1. Orsino

    Orsino Member

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    I don't speak German or anything, but, I am going to try and get google to translate this and I would like for everyone to know that the post that was under my username about nazis was not posted by myself, but by an ignorant friend who is now banished from my computer from now on... I didn't sign my username out, so that is partially my fault as well, but I want everyone to know this... he also posted in the spanish forum as well and he has caused some trouble for me in the past on the computer as well. I apologize for his behavior in here and the other forums he posted in. I am not sure how much he posted or where exactly all of the posts are that he did, but I want you to know that wasn't me and I am no longer allowing him on my computer, and if someone does come on my computer, i'll log off when before they get on. I just need to get in a habit of logging off of the computer since I don't normally log off.

    Ich spreche nicht deutsches, oder alles, aber, ich werde versuchen und google zu erhalten, dieses und mich zu übersetzen möchte, damit jeder weiß, daß der Pfosten, der unter meinem username über nazis war, nicht von mich bekanntgegeben wurde, aber durch einen unwissenden Freund, der wird jetzt verbannt von meinem Computer ab sofort..., Ich unterzeichnete nicht mein username heraus, damit teilweise meine Störung außerdem ist, aber ich wünsche jeder wissen, daß dieses..., das er auch im spanischen Forum außerdem bekanntgab und er etwas Mühe für mich in der Vergangenheit auf dem Computer außerdem verursacht hat. Ich entschuldige mich für sein Verhalten innen hier und die anderen Foren, die er innen bekanntgab. Ich bin nicht sicher, wieviel er bekanntgab, oder wo genau alle Pfosten sind, daß er, aber ich wünsche Sie wissen, daß das nicht ich war und ich ihn nicht mehr auf meinem Computer erlaube, und wenn jemand auf meinen Computer kommt, ich weg wenn logge, bevor sie an erhalten. Ich muß gerade in einer Gewohnheit von des Computers weg loggen erhalten, da ich nicht normalerweise weg logge.
  2. flowerspirit

    flowerspirit Member

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    thank you for your statement :)
  3. 0nomat0poeia

    0nomat0poeia Member

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    i kinda thought that it wasn't you because i've read what you wrote in "young hippies" in the old forums and this post just didn't fit what i've read about you and your ways, so i'm appologizing, too, because i had sent you this disapproval-thingy.
  4. Orsino

    Orsino Member

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    well.. I mean... I really don't like him a whole lot because he's pretty radical and he can be mean to people, but i've known him since I was 3 and his parents are friends with my parents, so, you know how it is. lol.
  5. Kastenfrosch

    Kastenfrosch Blaubeerkuchen!! Lifetime Supporter

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    Maybe you could use that connection to him to teach him that this is not appropriate and that he really insulted nice people....

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