Not sure what I'm looking for...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by schwarzeneggerlifts, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. schwarzeneggerlifts

    schwarzeneggerlifts Guest

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    Greetings, my name is Arnold (not real name) and I am a 25 year old male living in Ontario. I posting this mainly because I'm looking for something. I see all the current world event unfolding and I honestly believe, due to the extent of corruption going all the way to the top (Bilderberger Group), I feel my efforts in trying to make a positive difference in this world would go unnoticed in the big picture and well thats not good enough for me. I'm basically looking around the internet to see if there are any communes located within Canada where people like much like the Amish, relying on organic farming and food production practices but at the same time reject religion (in my oponion religions are created by states or those with power and use human spirituality to control the masses, sorry if i offend anyone), and embrace spirituality, technology and natural science(is there any other).

    Currently I help operate a small but successful business that specializes in wireless and point to point communication. I plan and being a major contributor to my community in any way I can. I attend the gym and exercise 4-6 days a week, as well as eat as much organic and healthy food as I can. I have some survival training but I plan on becoming moderately proficient in multi-enviroment outdoor survival, weapons (for hunting) and organic farming by the time I would join such a community.

    I am be most definitions normal. I have a very pretty, surprisingly like minded girlfriend who shares my concerns. We both understand that there is a lot of noise and mis-information, but every atom in my body is telling me that in 15-30 years I will want to be either on my way to, or already at my chosen community. I could sit here and type for hours about things most mainstream minded people call "conspiracies", all I will say is that the government we know about is superficial the rich and elite want a global government with much more power than the UN. They have already unionized Europe (EU), unionization is coming the North-America and Asia and our superficial governments will tell us it's out of "necessity", and through food shortages, disease (hopefully not), civil unrest and war, there will be a global shift in policy towards human life. America and parts of Canada will re wild itself as thousands of communities and choked out of existence by being cut of by new major highways and lack or access to resources.

    This is a terrifying situation where our leaders have declared martial law due to our system of food, water and energy failing and there being shortages. Remember we don't need to be OUT of oil for this to happen. Only the intricate balance between cost, supply and demand need to be tipped by only a couple percent for collapse in some, but many parts of the modern world. I believe when this happens it will only get worse and spread, and as our governments rush to maintain order, a new totalitarian and scientific style government will slowly take hold. Now forget the conspiracy part of the super elite orchestrating this, those are my opinions, but its only a decade or 2 where the standard and cost of living will facilitate these events.

    In this video i will link a few documentaries that share my thoughts, as I do not believe everything said in them (some of these people seem crazy/passionate about their cause), I do see the logic. Why else would the Elite be to secretive and why are so many laws to protect society from corruption (Logan Act for 1), outright broken by our representatives and they are never seen in court? Because I think its coming soon, atleast in my generation and I don't want to be 30-50 something with my @#$% in my hand wishing I listened to my guy.

    I have a tenancy to ramble sometimes to to get back to my basic point. I am looking for existing community or people willing to eventually start out own community, in which money is not used internally, organic farming practices are used, religion is not the issue and spirituality, science and technology are embraced with open minds and hearts.
  2. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    hello and welcome!
  3. jimmyjoe1

    jimmyjoe1 toker Lifetime Supporter

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  4. farmout

    farmout All who wander arent lost Lifetime Supporter

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    Hello & Welcome.... You may want to check out
  5. Dreamin

    Dreamin Member

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    GLENGLEN Banned

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    I Have A 15 Year Old Cream Tabby Cat Named Arnold,

    Arnold Have You Been Secretly Useing My Puuuuter Whilst I Was


    Welcome To The "Mad House" Otherwise Known As "Hip Forums"...:)

    Cheers Glen.
  7. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    my beer told me to say welcome but i dont want to. im gonna punish that beer by making it go through my intestines...yeah...that will teach it for trying to make me act polite.
  8. Dreamin

    Dreamin Member

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    placed that beer in probation

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Welcome to the site where Many of your questions will be Answered , Guidance and Support will be on hand and Strangers are only those friends one has yet to meet.
    (I would be a bit more precise and focused in your posts however) :)

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