Not really a sex question, but a girl question

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by Wicked Penetration, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. Wicked Penetration

    Wicked Penetration Member

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    Ok, so there's a girl I sorta like at school but we only just met, so I'm trying to 'test the waters' and figure out if she has a boyfriend. After class (since I met her a week ago) she gets picked up by these 2 guys, but she hasn't said anything other then "my pick up is here" so I don't know if its a boyfriend or just a friend.

    We exchanged emails, and I was thinking of typing something like "by the way, I'm not doing anything after class so if you ever need a ride and your boyfriend can't make it, just let me know"

    And leave it at that... so if she likes me and its not her boyfriend she'll say "oh, he's not my boyfriend" or she'll say "ok, thanks" which means he is.

    Stupid idea to find out if that's her boyfriend or a good idea?
  2. redline

    redline Member

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    id say just go for it. or just ask her who the guys are tht pick her up.
  3. Weeble

    Weeble Member

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    How do you know that one of these guys isn't actually a relative (brother, cousin). In that case, no one is pimping anyone.

    As to reply to the post, honestly, I think the way you are thinking of going about it is your safest bet. It's what I'd do and she prolly wouldn't think anything of it either way.
  4. toolmaggot

    toolmaggot Nuts Go Here.

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    Ahahah. You found a broad.

    No. Just ask her if she has a boyfriend. If she says no, then fuck her. If she says yes, then fuck her anyway.
  5. Wicked Penetration

    Wicked Penetration Member

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    Sounds like a solid plan. :p

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