Not Pot-Leaf Protest

Discussion in 'Protest' started by zenloki, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. zenloki

    zenloki Member

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    an 11 year-old gifted student at a middle school in Virginia was expelled for a year for bringing, now get this, a LEAF to school. no it was not a pot leaf as many may suspect and from the two articles I read and have linked below, no one knows exactly what kind of leaf it is. by the time the parents found out, the leaf was in police evidence lock-up and they have yet to see it. however it did not test positively for marijuana. anyway the point is this boy is suspended for 364 days for not bringing marijuana to school and the idiots-in-charge have gone too far. the once gifted 11 year-old student is now under psychiatric care for depression. he discovered early-on what the system does to good people unfortunately. what I'm looking for is people to aid in a protest and by this I mean send a message to the administration of this school about just how ridiculous these "no tolerance" policies truly are. simply address and send an envelope with a leaf, any leaf BUT marijuana will do, to the middle school in Bedford County, Virginia. the address and name of the idiot-that-had-an-11-year-old-arrested, otherwise known as the assistant principle is below. feel free to add a note if you like and please be civil.

    read about it here:

    and here:

    Bedford Middle School
    Asst Principle Brian Wilson
    503 Longwood Avenue
    Bedford, VA 24523
  2. Terrapin2190

    Terrapin2190 I am nature.

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    Jesus Christ. A LEAF. <-- notice the lack of a question mark.

    Guilty Until Proven Innocent.
  3. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    Kid's been proven innocent, pretty much.

    Guilty, because..... ehh, whatever, guilty.
  4. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    Not surprised at all for Virginia, they send more students to jail/court than any other state. The "zero tolerance" bullshit that has been adopted means more kids end up in jail than in college. It is as ridiculous as "no kid left behind". The US school system is so badly flawed I am not sure it will ever be fixed.

    Home school your children if you can!

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