gawd I just got a nose bleed! haven't had one since I was a kid Worried!!!!.......Why do they happen?.... and no funny quips about nose picking
how mutch blood have you drank today? coz if its alot then it could jus be that some got into your noes and you where carying it there hmmmmmmmmmmmmm not sure what im on about
its common for women to faint when talking to me, its one of those things you have to put up with ...when you are as awesome as me... but i never had a women get a nose are the first ....i am honored
I said no quips about nose picking Mr Meishka I think it may be the altitude *rubs chin in a ponderous way*
eeek poor you Hopefully I'll never have one again too! cauterized .... that is harsh *big hugs* Love Clairexxxx
I used to always have them, one holiday for a week i had several everyday mum had to find a shop that sold mansize tissues... even tho i was wee. I still get the occasional ones, but usually due to accidents like walking into doors and getting my dog too excited. But yeah sometimes for no apparent reason too. odd.