I think instead of being detached from things, I think you should lean into things. So for example, instead of being detached from money, it's better to lean into poverty.
Why the abrasiveness? This seems fairly pertinent in the Buddhism forum. OP -- I think you need to be non-resistant in order to become unattached. If you resist the flow that tugs at you, then you are too attached to what you are being moved away from.
You're right, that was a bit of a mean thing for me to say. Sometimes I forget to think before I post here. It's like the forum equivalent of verbal diarrhea. My bad.
the wise methods of buddhist teachers are to develop the bliss within so as to lesson attachment - the meditation is for the wisdom to work so it's not all empty mental bullshit which you find in just about every buddhist group - there are only two buddhist schools - practicing and thinking about practicing it's not unlike seeing a shrink and taking xtc so you can discuss trauma - the meditation allows the mind to access ones asshole self agrandizing but empty nature, which then allows you to be nice
Buddhism is sometimes called the "intellectual path", but thinking is over-rated by those who make distinctions between who they are and what they are doing. Whether you are moving towards something or away from something can be one and the same thing and its pointless to split semantic hairs.