Hello, This is a serious question. I am not a hippie. If anything, I am in many ways the opposite. Card carrying Republican, that kind of thing. But... and there's a big but... I love to wear tie dye shits. I just find them to be the coolest, most radiant shirts around. In my mind they beat any old t-shirt. Tie dye goes above and beyond a regular t-shirt. I make my own shirts and come up with original patterns and designs. Yet I still often feel a little off wearing the shirts in public. Don't get me wrong, I still wear them... but in a sense I feel like I'm deceiving myself while also giving strangers the wrong idea. What do you guys think about non-hippies wearing tie dye? Is it appropriate? Do others automatically assume something about you simply because you're wearing tie dye?
If It Truly Concerns You There's A Simple Solution To Your Problem..........Just Send Them All To Me.......I Will Even Pay Postage And Handling...... Cheers Glen.
I've seen people get beat down with skateboards and force fed LSD as punishment. Not of all of us are nice when you piss us off. Don't sell fake drugs.
No one cares if you wear it but as someone who is more "in the scene" I guess you could say you are going to look like something you are not. Something it sounds like you don't want to be. Usually it's mostly older people who wear it lots anyway.
I think I look great in tie dye, but that's just me. I am a Republican because I like small government, a strong foreign policy, and lower taxes (to give you a simple answer to a complicated question.)
I think if a hippie tells you you're not allowed to wear a certain shirt is just as bad as opposite races telling each other they can't wear things because their skin color is different and to me would be pretty much "unhippy" for a hippy to segregate like that.
And if someone force fed me lsd and hit me with a skateboard I'd be wheelin' down 16th street mall off my head with a brand new skateboard. And that doofus gonna be standing there scratching his head like eh well fuck. Crazy bitch took off with me skateboard. That'll show him.
There's no empirical evidence Republicans give us any of these things...campaign promises, sure. But when they are in charge of government they just can't resist the lure of big government. Vote Libertarian if you really believe in these ideals.
Who cares if a non-hippie wears tie-dye? It means nothing. Many older, traditional rituals and fashions and practices that were once the provence of a specialized, meaningful sect or culture have in recent years been so hijacked by kids who have no clue about the roots of these customs that they've lost all meaning. Tattoos comes to mind as a good example. Body piercings. Any twit can get one now. Witness: the Tramp Stamp. LOL
tie dyes are ok for non hippies ....it is long hair that ''straights'' are not allowed to have...we get awful upset about that behavior
I kind of have the same question, but for dreadlocks. How do people who have Afo hair feel about people who have dreadlocks?
I have tattoos and used to have a lot of piercings, and I didn't know anything about where they came from. But, I'm damn proud of my ignorance.
Who Gives A "Rats Ass" What They Think.....White Peeps Had Dreads Hundreds Of Years Before Some Black Dude Said Lets Adopt Them For Our Own And Go All "Rasta"....... Cheers Glen.