Noah's Ark 2004

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by cerridwen, May 14, 2004.

  1. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    I never did hear anything about this expedition last summer?

    Did I miss something
    Did it get cancelled

    Did they find nothing at all?

    Its just my own personal 'hypothesis' but I suspect the Ark would be pretty much decomposed - unless - sub-zero temperatures started up fairly soon after its landing?
    Especially if its sunk in a lake (which these particular explorers suggest)

    I dunno
  2. BlackGuardXIII

    BlackGuardXIII fera festiva

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    Me too, it really is a highlight of the whole book, as far as entertaining morality plays go.
    The other great thing about it is that it is also one of the many tales that were adopted from the Babylonians, along with the original earthling being 'adamae', the garden of paradise, 'edenu', the 7 day week, etc.
    The flood is far too universally refered to by cultures world wide to not have something to it.
    I agree with the book Cataclysm, which shows copious evidence that such an event did happen, when the gravitational force of a massive object that passed very close by earth pulled the oceans over the continents.

    MM, BG13
  3. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    For Clarification ..

    BlackGuards Opinion that Genesis was 'borrowed' from Babylonians is entirely his own and should not be confused with facts.

    It should also be noted he is assuming it is not based on a real event.

    Just wanted to clear that up.
  4. BlackGuardXIII

    BlackGuardXIII fera festiva

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    I am assuming nothing of the the post before you directly contradict it, and claim the opposite of what I wrote.
    I know more about the 'real' event than you ever will, cuz i actually study the geologists and archeologists who researched it. And I am sure your 'facts' are far more solid than all other humans 'opinions'
    he he he............
  5. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    BlackGuard Said"

    " is also one of the many tales that were adopted from the Babylonians"

    If indeed its based on a real event (and its now certain, at the very minumum that region was devastated by a massive catastrophic flood)..
    Why would it be 'Borrowed'.

    Do you 'Discover' that a Canadian Newspaper reported the bombing on Pearl Harbour and conclude that American Newspapers 'Borrowed' the Tale from them?
    After all.. they use a lot of the exact same words and placenames!
  6. BlackGuardXIII

    BlackGuardXIII fera festiva

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    I am convinced that the extinction level event of approx. 12 500 years ago is proven by enough evidence that has been analyzed.
    The story of the ark is symbolic, and echoed in the Moses in the basket, and Jesus in the womb, as being times when the future of the faith was contained within one person.
    Just my opinion, not fact, as I am not privy to the sources of your clearly correct and indisputable facts.
  7. ChiefCowpie

    ChiefCowpie hugs and bugs

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    Archaeologist Zachariah Sitchin is renowned for his studies of the hieroglyphs and stone carvings of the Summerians, an ancient culture that appeared mysteriously between 6,000 and 7,000 years ago. Sitchin discovered fired clay tablets showing the solar system with 12 planets orbiting around the sun. The thing is, 7,000 years ago they didn't didn’t know how to fire clay and they thought the world was flat and that the earth was the center of the universe.

    There is the problem of 12 planets - astronomists have only documented nine. However, there is some evidence of a tenth planet beyond Jupiter; Planets eleven and twelve may be out there on huge orbits. Evidence for this ? Every 26,000 years or so, the normal cycle of earth is put out of whack in a big way: Ice Ages, the Dinosaur apocalypse, Noah's Arc. Floods, volcanoes, earthquakes, freezes. A possible explanation: The eleventh or twelfth planet (or both) reach the point in their orbit that brings them closest to earth. As a result, Earth is thrown off its gravitational axis. This is known as a pole shift.

    Pole shifting or no, it’s amazing that the Summerians knew of any planets orbiting the sun let alone planets we have not yet discovered.
  8. thumontico

    thumontico Member

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    Brocktoon wins by pointing out a term differing only in semantics. Well played, too bad you don't really exist.
  9. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    "Just my opinion, not fact, as I am not privy to the sources of your clearly correct and indisputable facts"

    There is hope for you yet!

    Weirdly.. I heard ChiefcowPie make a non-stupid observation too!

    Yes, it almost appears as if the earliest post-deluge civilisations had some special knowledge of the world around us.
    Eventually that was lost and now we are starting to get it back again.
  10. ChiefCowpie

    ChiefCowpie hugs and bugs

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    Michael Lawrence Morton
    My Assessment of "Noah's House" ..
    Wed Mar 17, 2004 22:14

    No; I'm not talking property tax.

    It seems there is some sort of structure in the "general vicinity"
    of the remains of the "Ark of Ziusudra" in Eastern Turkey,
    that is called "Noah's House" by some. My instincts tell me
    it is probably a structure in the sense of a "monument" .. probably originally
    named "in-honor" of Ziusudra-Utnapishtim.

    On the 14th of December, 2003, I received an email from a member of the
    "Wyatt Group" on Yahoo's group-email system.
    (These people are mostly "religious fundamentalists").
    But; at least 2 of them have either directly or indirectly sent me coordinates
    taken *on-site* via GPS-units .. coordinates for the site of the actual_remains_of the Ark of Ziusudra-Utnapishtim .. and coordinates for "Noah's House".
    I have no reason to question the authenticity of any of these GPS-unit readings.

    The email sent to me on the 14th of December, 2003, had the following coordinates
    for the "House of Noah" .. which, again; I'm thinking this is a "monument" ..
    not a "house" as such. It appears that this structure (remains) is about 10 to 15
    miles NW of the site of the remains of the Ark of Ziusudra.

    39 deg 37.954 min North. 43 deg 59.253 min E.Greenwich.

    Here is my assessment ..

    82505.9225 North ..
    = 39(deg) * 37(min) * 57.17666147(sec) North.

    8800.631733 E.Giza ..
    = 12(deg) * 51(min) * 14.38011721(sec) E.Giza.
    [ E.Greenwich .. 43 deg 59 min 15.18 sec ].

    Grid Point Value .. "House of Ziusudra" ..
    (82505.9225 / 8800.631733) = 9.375
  11. BlackGuardXIII

    BlackGuardXIII fera festiva

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    Thanks Chief,

    mitakuye oyasin, blackguardxiii
  12. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    What language is that BlackGuard?

    To Honour ChiefCowPies self appointment of the sacred title of 'Chief' but mockingly of Cow Shit?

  13. BlackGuardXIII

    BlackGuardXIII fera festiva

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    i am not certain, but guess it is Sioux.

    it means 'to all my relations' referring to the idea we are all one family.
  14. Brocktoon

    Brocktoon Banned

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    Chief Cowpie is a Cockasian Essene.

    Im sure you two have lots to talk about ;)
  15. BlackGuardXIII

    BlackGuardXIII fera festiva

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    I am an apathetic ignoramagnostic. Dont care if anyone agrees, and dont know much of anything for certain. But I believe in miracles, prayer, and Spirit.

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