Noahide Laws

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by NodalAxis, May 29, 2020.

  1. NodalAxis

    NodalAxis Members

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    The Noahide Laws were added to the US legal code on March 20 1991 after president bush signed bill passd by Congress In
    Congressmen were told there was no more workers to be done.after everyone left, 4 members remained.
    Congressman Tom Sawyer,congressman Ohio, Tom ridge Pennsylvania ,minority leader bob micheals,
    Congress Benjamin Gilman New York

    Among the 7 law one provides for decapitation , if one person hears the accused commit idolatry and blasphemy against god.

    Belief that Jesus is god is both idolatry and blasphemy.
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    The laws are recognized as part of the Jewish contribution to the US constitution
    These ancient laws are recognized in the same was as the Bible.
    So the likelihood of you being beheaded any time soon is about the same as the likelihood of you being crucified.

    Did you REALLY think the the US government now allows a court judge to sentence a guilty prisoner to decapitation.?
    Beach Ball Lady Balls likes this.
  3. NodalAxis

    NodalAxis Members

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    I can only go by the letter of the law.death by Guillotines has been added to the accepted means of execution.

    ICD 9 E 978 was added to the Obamacare Code
    ICD 9 E 978 Legal Executions
    At behest of the judiaciary or ruling authority (whether permanent or temporary) as asphyxiation by gas,decapitation(by Guillotines) capital punishment,electrocution,hanging,poisoning,shooting or other specifics means

    HB 1274 authorizes the state of Georgia to execute citizens by Guillotine.
    Georgia House of Representatives. 1995-1996.

    George bush signed Noahide Laws into the federal law codes
    You might know that bush was detained by the Dallas police,at the dallas book depository in Dallas the day Kennedy was killed .
    Last edited: May 29, 2020
  4. NodalAxis

    NodalAxis Members

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    You are mistaken.the noahide laws are not ancient in the sense the Torah Is ancient.the 10 commandments were created by God but the Noahide Laws were created by rabbis after the Diaspora .
  5. NodalAxis

    NodalAxis Members

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    Just wondering why my post are not showing up in Recent Post list
  6. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    because you have already viewed it.. It will reappear to you once someone post's in it.

    Recent Posts
  7. NodalAxis

    NodalAxis Members

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    Nope none of my posts are listed on recent posts....I guess I’m not politically correct enough
  8. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    That's a shame.

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