Interview on subject: With the Russel Crowe movie the topic of Noah will come up a lot. Has anyone else wondered what society actually looked like in the days of Noah? The Book of Enoch presents a far more disturbing image of life then -- one in which bio-technology was the the society we are heading towards. All we eat in the USA is mixed. When you eat a tomato you may also be ingesting genes from an octopus or fish, and when you eat a carrot you may be taking in cow genes as well. This sort of mixing of the species would never happen in nature and yet we are at the state we may begin to alter humans. Anyone know anything about making boats?
Well in the tales of Gilgamesh it was a submerged vessel rather than a boat and instead of physical male/female animals it was coded DNA chips. If you want to read about Noah, read about Gilgamesh first for the whole saga of Noah's Ark was based off of this tale.
eating it is fine just dont shove it up your uterus..that's dangerous and no one likes to eat breakfast with mutant octo-matoes
Yes, according to passages in the Bible, the Book of Enoch and other apocryphal works, the world was much, much different then compared to today. Rain was a rare occurrence and the Earth was blanketed by more water vapor than is seen today. That more or less acted as a filter for UV radiation, maintained a more constant temp which in turn resulted in longer lifespans for creatures on the planet. Enoch also lays out a picture of a world in which man has become subservient to some type of non-terrestial beings who had either mated with or genetically manipulated humans to produce a race of giants, the Nephalim. It was under the influence of these "Sons of God" as they are referred to, that humanity became so far gone and the flood was to eradicate the giants, not eradicate humanity. After the flood we see many changes in climate and correlating shortening of lifespans. Recently watched a series from National Geo called "Evacuate Earth". In one of the "what if" scenarios they presented was an ice comet hitting the moon and breaking up and causing it to rain for over 300 years! It really isn't outside of the realm of possibility to imagine if the world was more as I painted above and there were some type of astronomical event that could trigger a release of the moisture in the atmosphere. It also mentions about the water coming up from beneath as well. Maybe whatever astronomical event, a close pass or collision, would also trigger seismic activity that would result in geysers erupting. Yeah I know I'm filling in a lot of gaps, but I'm doing so with a consideration of what we know is scientifically plausible with what we have in the writings and theorizing from there. :mickey: