
Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by deadonceagain, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    my friends house got broken into last night and my bong was there it was worth like 80$ and is now gone and then my firend let someone use my spoon and they never gave it back, so thats like 100$ in pipes down the drain,this is the secound time his house got robbed and my shit got stolen, and once the cops took it when they raided my house, now i got to buy a new bong and pipe, ive gone through so many pipes its just stupied,4 metal bowls,1 glass bowl,2 bongs,one stone peace plus like 10 packs of papers,and a liters of scotch and a pint of grain,and a half ounce of weed..........
  2. PurpleGel

    PurpleGel Senior Member

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    another reason not to invest in fine glassware.
  3. SLammon420

    SLammon420 Senior Member

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    do you guys han out with junkies or something
  4. kif

    kif Member

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    How do you know your friend isnt fucking you over?
  5. mynameisjake07

    mynameisjake07 Banned

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    I wouldnt no doubt that your freind is bullshitting you.

    Even the closest of freinds will steal from you
  6. TrippinBTM

    TrippinBTM Ramblin' Man

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    Alright, first of all, lets not start blaming people's friends for stealing from them, since we don't know any of them.

    Second, stop leaving your shit at other people's houses. Based on reading these boards, that is the #1 reason people's shit gets stolen. Be more responsible with your belongings, if they're worth it to you.
  7. boothy

    boothy Senior Member

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    Hmmm... just stick to joints maybe? I mean, if you're rollies got nicked it ain't half as bad as an $80 bong...
  8. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    well first i just found out my friend hid my bong well and its ok YAY and i talked to the chick who has my bowl and shes giving it to me next week, and i know she will give it back ,shes not the type of person to do something like that and steal it,also NO my firend does not rip me off ever,actuly thats not totaly true the frist time we hung out he did but after that we got close and have been very good firends for years,hes given me 100's of dollars in free weed and other drugs and if i actuly totaled all the shit up i would owe him ,yesterday i bought a gram from him it was short so he said sorry best i can do, so today i bought another gram he just picked out like a 2 gram bud and hands it to me and says it casue he was short yesterday,no hes not a junkie dude the part of town i live in gets robed ALOT my house has been robed 3 times my friends 5 every gas station or littile resatraunt has been robed alest once in the last three month,5 in the last two weeks,and also i hate joints so much i LOVE glass and i will always stick with it
  9. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    like i said its not just my firend house, my house has got shit taken form it too,money, booze and other shit, so its not the fact its at his house its the fact that i own it,cause the only reason why i leave things there is he leaves right next door,and im over there alot, im talking a whole 10 secound away,no joking its realy 10 secounds away
  10. -steve-

    -steve- Member

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    man want to know i I keep from losing all my shit? I keep it all in a fisher price safe, one of those little kid things. Now i'm sure with enough force you could ripp it open but mom woulnd't do that. My advice incesest in a safe, or somesort of box with a lock on it, and keep all your shit in there. Its fool proof!
  11. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    i had a safe with money in it get stolen out of my house,my problem isnt my dad he lets me smoke so i just have my shit in my dresser right there
  12. TheLizardKingMike

    TheLizardKingMike Members

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    Yeah, you could never convince me into only smoking joints. I'll continue smoking my glass.
  13. Iron Butterfly

    Iron Butterfly Member

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    yea sounds like hes stealin it from you. ive found you cant trust anyone but your family and yourself.
  14. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    did you read my post he doesnt steal shit form me at all, actuly hes giving me a free bottle of captin morgin to night,and i cheak and my shits still there he said he wouldnt let anytihng happen and nothing did
  15. incognegrow

    incognegrow Member

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    ok first of all , you should probably perform spell check before you send your post .

    with that said instead of buying expensive bongs and pipes why dont you make bongs out of everyday items . i got a metal bowl and stem set for 7 bucks at my headlady at a local flea market . i use gatorade bottles .
    first i use a soldering iron to make a hole. if you dont have one be creative to make your own hole just be sure its even and not lopsided. then i use a little duct tape to make sure the hole is air tight by putting my finger over the stem guide and pulling from the top. if you dont hear any wheezing or sucking then you're good , if not ..try again.

    so when you're done smoking dump it out refill with clean water and put it in the refrigerator. mater will be chilled for next use :)

    so if someone steals it you're out what ? $1.75? for gatorade, $7 for the bowl and stem, make sure the stem guide is long and the stem connected to the bowl is short so you can use it as a carb. $2 for tape if you dont already have some or maybe you wont need it . so....12 bucks for a bong that wont break the first fifty times you drop it versus and $80 bong that will shatter into a zillion pieces when you drop it the first time ? auhmmm lets see wheeww thats a tuff one huh? i would take a pic of mine but my digital is powerless .

    less money being spent on pipes = more money for weed , thats the main focus right ? we do it all for the weed. a 1000 dollar bong aint gonna make the shit taste better or get you any higher.

  16. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    it doesn matter now im moving to a realy quit place with some land like 6 acers,and there isnt a problem with stealing there also dude ive droped my bong SOOOO many times its relay relay thick its like as thinck as my index finger i mean you have to actuly try and break it for it to brake thats why i bought a thick one so it wouldnt break easly the only tihng is my female cracked from droping it but hell thats only like 10$
  17. incognegrow

    incognegrow Member

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    so whats the point in starting this thread if you're moving anyway?
  18. incognegrow

    incognegrow Member

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    i put tape around the waterline the nasty bong water ring isnt visible, but if your significant other isnt as easily grossed out as mine then dont worry about it
  19. mynameisjake07

    mynameisjake07 Banned

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    You must live in the shittest town ever
  20. deadonceagain

    deadonceagain mankind is a plague

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    cause i was pissed about lossing all my shit,but it jsut so happends i didnt

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