No underwear

Discussion in 'Bare It! Nudism and Naturism' started by Deleted member 318159, Nov 1, 2020.

  1. I am going to do a no underwear November. I don't like to wear underwear. It is too constricting. My dick and balls are uncomfortable when I wear it, and I don't like the elastic either. Also, I like to play pocket pool, edge with my legs going and get erections. I am gonna do 30 days straight and see what happens, will probably just keep going. I like to edge a lot. Under the table at restaurants. All I have to do to edge is move my legs back and forth, and or rock back and forth, or play pocket pool.
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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  3. When I try and put underwear on, it only stays on for 15 minutes then I can't stand it. My sex drive is really high without them. I feel like playing with it all the time, and I can do it descretly so on one knows I am playing with my dick. Like I did when I was 24. Edging is great!!! Stroking and driving will be fun. I'm not going to wear underwear any more.
  4. I put on a pair of jeans today that I had put in the get rid of pile because they were too small, but with no underwear they fit fine, and since I am not going to wear underwear anymore, they are great. Next time I wear dress pants or my suit, it will be with no underwear. When I was 24, I only wore underwear to church, and a few other times, but now I am not going to ever wear any underwear.
    joker69 likes this.
  5. NudistTed

    NudistTed The Naked Man

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    I haven't worn or owned underwear since my college days. When I need to wear dress pants or a suit I wear a g-string or cock pouch to protect them. If I wear regular slacks, jeans, sweat-pants, shorts it's always SANS UNDERWEAR. That said, the majority of the time I am usually naked since most of my work is done from home.
    NudistMatt and joker69 like this.
  6. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Underwear..... What’s that?
    NudistMatt, Dude111 and joker69 like this.
  7. Underwear: Something worn by some people to discourage erections, pocket pool and edging. Ever since I was 13, I haven't liked it because I want to encourage myself to play pocket pool, get erections and edge whenever I feel like it, where ever I am.
    joker69 likes this.
  8. GamerGirl99

    GamerGirl99 Banned

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    The ‘ell is pocket pool?
  9. Cookie Man

    Cookie Man Senior Member

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    Masturbating through your trousers with no underwear..
  10. GamerGirl99

    GamerGirl99 Banned

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    Oh! Gee I didn’t know guys did that. What’s with ya’ll’s obsession with your joysticks?
    johnshearing, RT19 and joker69 like this.
  11. Cookie Man

    Cookie Man Senior Member

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    Just feels good I I've never indulged in pocket pool....
  12. GamerGirl99

    GamerGirl99 Banned

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    A true mystery for the ages...
    joker69 and Cookie Man like this.
  13. LydaG

    LydaG Members

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    I rarely have worn pants, shorts, or panties for the past few years now. Commando in dresses and skirts is the fucking best.
  14. Jay bird 69

    Jay bird 69 Newbie

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    Are you shaved
  15. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    You have to know we masturbate. Not all of us do it through our trousers.
    joker69 likes this.
  16. I masturbated through my pockets when younger. Now I edge. It keeps it going. Always liked edging better and did that more.
  17. GamerGirl99

    GamerGirl99 Banned

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    I know guys masturbate, duh! I just didn’t know they did it that way.
    Cookie Man and BPC like this.
  18. asianbbc_KL

    asianbbc_KL Members

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    When I was younger, my mom would have to force me to wear underwear to get me used to it, and I always found it uncomfortable and unnatural, not to mention getting used to having your package tightly stuffed into this small piece of clothing!

    As I got older, I think my mom realized as well that I am bigger than the average asian male and that my whole rebellion against underwear was due to the waist fitting great but the pouch being too tight. Shortly after that I insisted on her buying me boxers, which felt A MILLION TIMES BETTER and I only wear those.

    Occasionally I have some sexy thongs and g-strings that I've grown to like wearing as females and other people compliment me in them and like seeing me in tiny thongs. I am a pretty muscular guy and enjoy going to the gym, so I assume I don't look too bad.

    For the past 6-7 years however, I am only commando and cannot stand to wear any kind of tight fitting underwear unless it was for photos or for the purpose of showing off in public.

    If the underwear didnt make it seem so naughty, I would prefer to just be nude! But where im from, not too many people that are down with nudity and exhibitionism :p
  19. I made the mistake of wearing underwear, boxers for 3 hours today. It was horrible. Not going to wear underwear anymore. It was too hot and clammy down there, the elastic was too hot and my back hurt. There wasn't enough airflow, and it felt really wierd.
    joker69 and asianbbc_KL like this.
  20. Dude111

    Dude111 An Awesome Dude HipForums Supporter

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    I dont wear it either and sometimes my thing sticks out like crazy in the front :D
    johnshearing likes this.
  21. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    I haven't wore underwear for 30 years. No, make that 40 . . . no, let's see it's gotta be over 50 years now. Damn, I'm getting old but at least I'm comfortable.

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