No Trick-or-Treating!

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by YouFreeMe, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    So, we only got ONE Trick-or-treater tonight. When I was growing up traveling door to door for candy was the norm. Did any of you notice that no one trick-or-treats anymore? I find this to be kind of sad--I always enjoyed it growing up and it is a shame that children must be denied the opportunity to indulge in this quirky tradition.

    Parents...did you take your children out tonight? Why or why not? Or, have you noticed it declining in popularity in your area?

    It's a bummer, really. What are we coming to? We live in such a fear-dominated world.
  2. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    I have also noticed that with each passing year it seems to be less and less people out on this day. I'm glad when I was a kid it was poppen. But I feel bad for the little buggers these days because it doesn't seem like theres much goin on.
  3. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    i dont get any, but the street over gets them, and the street to the other side gets them. only old people and junkies and a squirrel live on tis street. 5houses, 2abandoned..
  4. nz male

    nz male Senior Member

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    When kids say 'trick or treat', do they really think about what would happen if the house owner says trick ? They aren't out for performing tricks just out to get as many lollies as possible to get their sugar levels up for a few hours. How many kids would consider learning a trick just in case they asked to. Very few if any I would think !
    beachbum86 likes this.
  5. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    The last half hour of our trick or treating tonight...after being...well, we first hit up a couple busy streets- w houses close together that I remember many, many moons ago there were a lot of porch lights and candy... but was fairly disappointed but there weren't THAT many ppl giving out candy. THEN...last half hour I decide on a whim to drive to this one two block area a few streets over and BINGO. FUCKING HELL YES IS ALL I CAN SAY! First of all... an affluent area. (good candy...wink wink)...and all the flipping lights ON. We thought maybe when turning on that block we'd get 3-5 houses. We got about 25 in a row and it took 15 mins.
    On top of that ppl were giving out hot dogs, and lemonade... bags of chips... bags of choco covered pretzels and full sized candy bars, etc.
    It was awesome. :D
    So I hit gold and thankfully some people/areas are still doing up trick of treat. Otherwise, in the past few years- since I started going with my son I have noticed a huge difference from when I was a kid. (how much of that is perspective though- you know, everything looking and seeming bigger when youre a kid... I don't know..)

    *oh and one more thing. about the one person or whatever (small number) coming by to trick or treat. we passed by quite a few streets if there were only 1 or 2 lights on on that block. so if pretty much most or at least half the neighbors don't participate then people just won't waste their time going there. I have found the best places to go are places where people have at least SOME money (middle class at least) AND have kids around themselves. :)
  6. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Yeah, only you would go there with an activity most of us do with our toddlers or school aged kids.

    (I know what you mean...haha, but REALLY... no, don't go there brain with that!) ... it's too innocent....
  7. jo_k_er_man

    jo_k_er_man TBD

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    I handed out letters to fatties.
  8. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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  9. jo_k_er_man

    jo_k_er_man TBD

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  10. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Da fuq? That is sooo messed up.

    Like it's really that ladies "job" to tell a parent or a kid (like the kid wouldn't read it!) that they are obese and shouldn't be eating candy. Crazy. (self righteous busy bodies like that really piss me off. someone should write her a "letter" and put a mirror up to her flaws.)
  11. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I think a lot of people go to community sponsored events these days. My town's zoo does a huge Halloween event event every year on Halloween and the days leading up to it. I tried to take my son last weekend because he isn't old enough to trick or treat but the line stretched further than my eye could even see and doubled back on itself. I figured out that's where all the missing trick or treaters have gone the last few years.
  12. jo_k_er_man

    jo_k_er_man TBD

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    Nobody trusts anyone anymore. Media tells us we never know who'll be behind the next door or what's in your candy. Everyone is a rapist murderer handing out bubble gum razor blades laced with plant food.
  13. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Almost makes me wonder if... just in case some psycho ever DID do something to candy like that... if I'm a bad mom for allowing my kid to eat trick or treat candy?
    But... I figure the chances of that... esp. in this town... are slim to none. I trick or treated as a kid and so did my mom, etc.
    And I inspect the candy. Other than that, just gonna have to trust.
    I guess..
  14. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I think they should have booklets of Halloween coupons that people can buy and give out. Local businesses could honor them, so that:

    1. Everything the kids would get would be safe (or at least as safe as anything you can get in a store)

    2. Kids could get non-food items like toys and movies, etc.
  15. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    That's a good idea unless they would cost too much. I mean if people get 200-400 kids they probably can't afford even a dollar per kid. But if they could all be used at any local place (meaning all the coupons they got would add up) people could get then for even 5 or 10 cents each. So ... good idea.

    In any case, I don't have a problem with my son getting candy- chocolate and stuff on Halloween... simply because I never buy him that stuff. For snacks he has apples and fig newtons and stuff... so, he's allowed those things on special occasions, such as Halloween. AND I regulate how much he gets when. When we got home he was allowed a few chips and one lollipop. So, my point is... parents can give their kids the candy a little bit at a time.
    Still a good idea, especially with the safety ideas.

    But ya know... look @ it this way... if we can't trust our neighbors for trick or treat- then how can you trust the people who work in food.... fast food, restaurants, grocery stores, etc. not to mess with people's food there? Kinda same thing that could happen right?
  16. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Possible explanations:

    1. Fewer kids

    2. More adults going to Halloween parties

    3. Paranoid parents not taking their kids out

    4. Health conscious parents who don't want their kids to get fat

    5. Kids that are have potentially fatal food allergies, so it's not worth taking any chances

    6. Parents aren't afraid of their neighbors, but still don't know them and so don't want to go to their houses

    7. More people who don't know/don't like their neighbors, so they don't give out candy.

    8. Non trick-or-treating events
  17. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    well, I guess we can't trust them any more.

    It's just that the food industry would lose money if people mistrusted them, so they can engage in pr campaigns to suppress the frear.

    Still, there's the safety seals on lots of stuff from the grocery store/ pharmacy.

    I think that all came in during the tylenol scare in the 80's.
  18. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Yeah... I know what you mean (about the safety seals and stuff)... I was thinking more along the lines of- people working in fast food who could add anything to the food, or say in the salad bar area of the grocery store and stuff like that. Actually ANYONE could go up to the salad bars in grocery stores and have at it...
    I just realized all of our Halloween candy has good wrappers anyways. Well, most of it. Maybe I won't give him the stuff that doesn't. (like the dumdums... you can put them back on pretty well)... or, maybe I just won't worry about it. :)
  19. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    lol I thought this might be a thread about how there's no trick or treatin' here round Indianapolis t'night cause of the rain.
    About the OP yep I've noticed the decline as well. When my mother finally started letting me go trick or treating there were a lot of other kids doing it, not so much now
  20. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

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    The beach is going off here right now. But the treats are booze, drugs, and girls dressed like sluts. But I came home early, too much to do tomorrow.

    I don't think really anyone trick or treats anymore. Too many sick fucks in the world now.

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