Youth, Minorities and Victims of the drug war are not properly represented in this government. Yet we pay taxes for marijuana, and all over America people are paying to keep these people in jail for stuff that really doesn't matter. I really don't feel as if at least 50% of America is even represented. I know that only around 50% of America is registered to vote and only about 75% of people registered to vote even show up to vote. The solution is easy, each state should have a serious vote about leaving the union. If your state has enough people that feel that the current system is flawed, or that they are not properly represented within the current system, you should be able to operate as a completely independent state. When America was formed that's the way it was anyways, each state was an independent nation, the word "state" even means "nation" if you use it anywhere else in the world. Plus, we pay taxes for food and water, which we shouldn't have to. That makes no sense, the government shouldn't get paid when we eat. And SIN taxes??!?!?! What the fuck is that about, I thought we were supposed to have a separation of church and state. Just because it's something that is alleviating, doesn't mean you should be taxed for it. Tylenol doesn't have crazy taxes. Pepto Bismol doesn't have crazy taxes, why does something that some people buy EVERY day have insane taxes. They need to put taxes on cocaine, not cigarettes. But that brings us back to the point of people in this country not being properly represented, and most of it is about racism. Youths being treated as minorities is because the youth doesn't have the same "morals" as the people in charge, but that's just because kids aren't racist. Minorities being treated like minorities is purely racism. And the drug war doesn't seem to be about racism at first glance, but if you go back and look at why different drugs were made illegal, it's all racist. marijuana, because people were scared of their kids mingling with jazz musicians, immigrants, and using the Spanish devil weed (even though if it had been called Cannabis, they would have all known what it was, since it was one of the salves and tonics that people used). I think we need another civil rights movement, and another youth movement. And not just camping in front of banks and asking for money, or listening to music holding hands. Concerts are great, but Woodstock can't happen again. The Music has to move, and stop sometimes. You have to get to know people and have time to do things in the towns that things are happening, you can't just make a square mile or two full of people, pass out trip drugs and marijuana, then play music. You need bakeries, and doctors and shit for that.
From what I have heard Bitcoin is now an official "currency"/fiat in America, so now it will be taxed and eventually watched and regulated. BUT... If they are going to get all federal with Bitcoin, a Bitcoin company should get a grant to start an agency that keeps track of how much bitcoin costs, and how many bitcoins have been mined, and has information on mining and how to get started easily accessible online, as well as give them access to the stock market, and allow them to sell their stocks (each stock would represent a certain % of the companies total BTC) on the New York Stock Exchange. And I'm saying at the very LEAST that's what should be done.
Best thing to hold is precious metals IE copper, gold, silver, platinum. These are currency metals, and will only go up. Most humans aren't represented in this government. The war on drugs was started as a cultural war, and became a huge racket for the Drug Cartels and pharmaceutical companies. This whole government is twisted and based on corporate interests; I personally, have withdrawn my consent to be governed by them. In accordance with the 9th Amendment. According to the Declaration of Independence, we also have the Rights to life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However, our government ensures none of those things, and actually inflicts harm on many individuals trying to pursue them. This is why I denounce them.
So what are you a part of now? I feel the same, but I am "fighting" for my home, Texas. The word "Texas" is from the Caddo Indian language and it means "Friends" or "Allies". I want to help Texas get back to its roots, and I mean BEFORE white people settled it. Back when it was owned by Indians, then Mexicans (who were completely willing to allow Texan settlers in, even gave them a cannon to defend themselves with). Do you have a nation still, or are you just anti-fed?
When you single out your goal to get something back from "white people". Are you white? Black? Native?
I believe I do. I'm not exactly "part" of anything. I look at it this way, being a citizen gives me certain Rights, when police violate those Rights, they are the ones being unlawful, not me. Well, it's the same with Government. When Obama changed his Federal Judge to Declare NDAA Constitutional was the end of my rope. Now I am just a free, independent human being. I'm just hoping others will awake, and realize we don't need so much government. I believe even if there was no government, people are intelligent and caring enough to keep society running. People get scared when I say that, but the government has caused more disorder than anyone. So, my ultimate goal is a voluntary society, in which the government is not used or needed anymore. I believe this is an intellectual awakening coming to America. It may be awhile down the road, but the idea has over 1 million supporters (Libertarianism,) and the government can't kill an idea. Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you to "Vote;" In fact, the Government watches people who have Libertarian/Ron Paul/Gary Johnson bumper stickers. I think we all need to withdraw our consent and stop paying taxes like our founders.
Black America had similar ideas in the 60s... But you can't get that across to the government without an organization like the Black Panthers. Which was really just a group of people walking around with law books making sure the police didn't get out of line.
You didn't say anything about western civilization. You said, specifically, "white people". I ask again, are you white? Black? Native?
When the white people came here, please tell me what they were representing? Western Culture, or Eastern Culture?
Unless you're a lawyer, that doesn't matter to a cop. Gotta have the law book, and gotta know where to look and show them that you are in the right. I've had the police break into my back yard to raid my house, I was inside, but my friend was still in the yard. He asked them "Do you have a warrant?" They asked him "Are you a lawyer?" Me and him BOTH went to jail together, even without a warrant for them to be there. They literally invaded a private residence, and kidnapped civilians after robbing and terrorizing them... Knowing the law does nothing for you when the police don't want to listen to you.
You're making some pretty big leaps with some loose history to try and make your point here, Shaggy. You can try to juxtapose your skewed view on established history all you want, but it won't make that view anything more than bunk. Western Civilization? Do you honestly think a Spanish explorer coming ashore in, say, Mexico or Texas would have declared "I am here for Western Civilization". Would an English explorer said the same when he came ashore in Virginia or Massachusetts? Hell, when it comes to the English and the Spanish, the two were dynamically opposed to each other in those times. You're trying to establish a uniformity of vision and purpose that didn't exist for the people and nations involved. Hell, there wasn't even uniformity when it came to the people already living here.
I'M MAKING BIG LEAPS?!?!?!?!? Greece/Rome was Western Civilization, which then continued into the British Empire, then the remnants of that are America, Canada and Europe mainly. How can you say America isn't western civilization. This is just fucking you being a troll.
Yes, you are making big leaps. "Western Civilization" is a modern concept and was unknown to the people in the time periods we are discussing. I didn't say America isn't part of Western Civilization. I am simply saying you cannot apply that label to the Europeans who explored and colonized/settled the Americas. The concept didn't exist.