No One Asked You For That

Discussion in 'The Whiners' started by PunchDrunkKitten, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. PunchDrunkKitten

    PunchDrunkKitten borne on the fm waves of a broken heart

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    This is just a rant. Maybe its in the wrong place, and if so I'm sorry.

    I'm so so sick of people offering something completely of their own prerogative then using it as an exploitative means of being given allowances, and special treatment later on. In that process, as they become more fixated on how much they've given if met with any minute amount of objection the grandeur of their plight expands at least proportionally to said fixation.
    I'm so sick of those same people conveniently forgetting the parts of a task, no matter how pertinent or not, that they fucked up and had to bear the consequence of. Case in point, if your friend was bitching for having to drive back and forth a distance because you stupidly were not tentative to what your role in that task it is not my responsibility to make up for that as the task was my priority which you offered to assist in.

    I'm really sick of people using a small part of a statement as their focal point to legitimise their panty twisted feelings, and misconstruing the message of an assertion in an immediate agitation of the same sort rather than considering the point in full.

    I'm really really fucking over any Tom Dick and Harry getting a free pass on these kinds of affronts because of some long past irrelevant rapporteur, or wholly nonessential investment while i simply have to tolerate the persecution of speaking words too complex for their idiocy.
  2. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

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  3. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    You sound nice
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  4. quark

    quark Parts Unknown

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    Such verbosity. :book:
  5. PunchDrunkKitten

    PunchDrunkKitten borne on the fm waves of a broken heart

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    Yeah, but at least they all go together well.

    I comfortably know a whooping three people in this entire state, and that's exactly how everyone else here feels about me just because of the way i talk..
  6. quark

    quark Parts Unknown

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    No, they don't. The entire post reads as if you were using these words for the first time and didn't know where to place them.


    A guide by George Orwell on how to get your point across without losing the readers' interest.

    EDIT: I'm not trying to be a dick... I'm guilty of the same thing every once in a while.
  7. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    How did you get to be so loquacious at 21? Do you read a lot? Have a special talent for learning and remembering new words?

    I ask because I am always striving to improve my vocabulary..........
  8. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Oh i dont care about the way you talk - although i do think you would have gotten your point across better if you just told us what happened.

    I didnt really mean anything at all by my comment, you just seem a bit tightly wound.
  9. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I do prefer Hemingway over Faulkner though.
  10. PunchDrunkKitten

    PunchDrunkKitten borne on the fm waves of a broken heart

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    Well, particularly when i write any personal material it's not for the benefit of the reader. It's to relieve my own tensions, and perhaps be soothed by a bit of shared perspective on the subject matter at hand. as such, these posts tend to come out rather stream of consciousness. If you find it unpleasant, then you'd likely fall into the last category i bitched about of people who take issue with me just for my way of speaking.

    Regardless, at least I'm capable of structuring my thoughts in a correct syntax which puts me miles ahead of most on the internet and even a good share of the people on this forum. You use your Voice, and I'll use mine. If my vernacular is found too lengthy and dissonant, no one has to read the shit.

    Sidenote: does this really have to happen literally every time i start my own Topic Thread? Majority of the comments are focused, just like one of the other categories I was complaining of, on some inconsequential miniscule portion of the prose. -.-

    Actually, I'm not even twenty one, but yes to both of your questions. I don't read nearly as much as I did in school because I have a lot of trouble finding books of interest - i tore threw every library of every school I attended as well as my local public library, and I'm broke as fuck.

    I do, though, have a knack for remembering words. I've always excelled in spelling, and other types of terminology selecting shits because i can hear the word in my head while simultaneously visualizing it.
    I would suggest getting a Word a Day calender or something, and trying to find a way to use the word in conversational or written context every day to help it stick in your mind.. Dunno if that would help, or work at all.. I've never had to really try at anything I do regularly, so I'm not sure how people generally practice things.
  11. PunchDrunkKitten

    PunchDrunkKitten borne on the fm waves of a broken heart

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    I wish I had seen this before I posted the reply to Quark, but you were more cordial, so I don't want to be as much of a dick to you.
    Anyway, as I said in my reply above; the way I write is largely the same way I talk. Both seem to grate the nerves of my general surrounding populous which is really frustrating because, y'know, I'm sorry I talk/write/think in the format I do. I always have, and didnt realize it was that big of a blockade socially until i moved beyond my family and the total of 11 people I've associated with daily since elementary school...

    So, yeah I am a little tightly wound I guess since my way of interacting, even minutely, with the world around me is inherently so wrong.. That doesnt even account for my personal anxieties, and eccentricities peeves and perspectives on that rest of the world that I couldn't communicate much less decipher who shares them versus who doesn't.

    Heh heh heheheh.. Yay -.-'
  12. quark

    quark Parts Unknown

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    OP is no longer worth a quote.

    *raises post count*
  13. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    That is a really useful read, so thanks quark! I only skimmed the second half, since my attention span is terrible, but I'll give the rest a stab later. As for the rest of this I don't have much of an opinion, sorry.
  14. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    fuck fancy up your sentences to the point that an average reader gets lost and misses the point are so miles ahead of everyone on the internet?....i say you are miles in point[lol]....everyone here is focusing on your word structure and over use of 3 dollar words as opposed to offerring perspective on your beef

    i still dont know what the beef is?...wheres the beef?.......i think someone offered a ride and then tried to use the offer as some kind of something?.....

    am i in the ballpark?
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  15. PunchDrunkKitten

    PunchDrunkKitten borne on the fm waves of a broken heart

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    Obviously my supposed overly dignified use of words required too much brain power for you to read thuroughly enough to follow the exposition on the tendencies of people. One literal allegory is all you can manage to comprehend?

    Nevermind the following posts where i repeatedly explained that, contrary to your over simplified assumption, these kinds of posts are a stream of consciousness and very similar to the way i actually talk on a daily basis.

    Why does everything have to be literal for it to be understood? Why would i need to spell everything out in simple letters like you're fourth graders? Is the point of all this endless information and potential to communicate not to expand your clearly suffocating brains? This is exactly why humanity as a whole is headed for a long walk off a short pier. You can't even be bothered to exercise your minds when the resources are literally at your fingertips 24/7 nevermind the rest of yourselves.

    Fuck's sake!
  16. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    to answer your question...things need to be literal because we arent fuckin mind just sound more Ridiculous with every sentence.......

    it is hilarious that you are 'word intelligent' but 'people stupid'
  17. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    This is a skill I've always wished I had. You are lucky!

    That being said, I DO have a pretty good memory when it comes to my friends. I can remember little details someone told me about a story or situation from years before. I think this is due to the fact that I am a good listener, and I listen when people talk to me.

    I've got a nice long list of words I want to learn, in my phone. I'm thinking of making flash cards or something. Reading a lot helps.

    Anyways, you seem pretty well rounded for someone who is 20. I like that.
    1 person likes this.
  18. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    yes it is an awesome skill.....

    it is wasted in this situation as you can well see
  19. kinkystar

    kinkystar Members

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  20. secret_thinker

    secret_thinker Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Me too :) it's nice to have friends that listen and care enough to remember.

    To the OP, I'm sorry, I can barely understand your original post. Maybe you are way superior in your language skills than me! Can you tell us the situation in more simple terms?
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