Scientists make crucial discovery that could revolutionize energy storage technology: 'We found the missing link' ( Batteries are ancient technology, dating back at least to ancient Egypt, where they were used for electroplating and who knows what else. This research spells the end of the battery. The researchers studied the physics of how electricity flows through nanoscopic pores, but instead of studying one pore at a time, they devised an easy way computers could collect all the data for thousands of pores at once. Anyway, they rewrote 170 year old physics, and made it super easy for anyone to design supercapacitors. Batteries are about to slowly give way to lighter, much more durable, and faster charging supercapacitors. Within ten years, people will definitely notice batteries are outdated. This research is merely one of several fundamental advances recently made and, combined, there's no telling where it will lead in the near future, except it will be applied to cellphones and laptops. When made out of graphene, their environmental impact is the same as throwing leaves on the ground. Batteries are dead, long live the supercapacitor!
I must have picked the wrong decade to stop jump-starting myself in the morning with a 9-volt battery on my tongue.
Energy is basicly all around you.......just how to harnas it? For cars(ect) hydrogen, might be cleaner and safer...atm? Mzzls
Well as soon as we can figure out how to produce hydrogen with less energy that we would get out of it. Tesla actually did this picture with two exposures, him in the chair, then with the coil energized. We'll never know half the technology he dreamed up - father of high frequency power transmission, transformers, induction motors, three phase long distance high voltage power transmission, high speed turbines ... ridiculed and laughed out into obscurity, dying penniless...all his work and inventions stolen.
As a kid, I left a chicken salad sandwich in my lunchbox for a month or so. At that point, it looked like it was going into Lunchbox Fusion mode. I didn't notice any electrical output from it.
Our local recycling center's transfer station burst into flames which took four days and million gallons of water to extinguish. Cause of fire: batteries.
Take it for what it is a meme...........Tesla Wen it comes to hydrogen or other really better(cheaper/cleaner) energy sources(thorium?).............yes they still need more development and investment(cost)...........but nobody is really interested(cost/profit). Big oil/industry has no real interest in cleaner/cheaper energy(longterm)..........cost to much and no profit(shortterm)...............and the politicians wont force them(left or right) *sigh* Mzzls
It's like the power company subsidizing your solar panel installations.....they don't care about that - they are in the business of selling power, not buying your paltry bit... Read a biography of Tesla, it's an interesting read..
Already read/watched to much.... We are already capable of so much more(energy/science/tech).......if we solve our energy problem(wich we already can(science/tech)), we also solve so much more(enviroment/resources/ect) Just some greed/finance/economics and geopolitics problems to solve first Mzzls
I'm not trying to be silly. But in the fictional Star Trek universe, nothing had batteries. Data the android wasn't hooked up to the wall with a plug or anything. Neither were their tricorders or Geordi's VISOR. So what were the power source of those things? Was that ever explained? Star Trek usually predicts future technological trends. Many of the writers are scientists, you know.
Hyoermilers have been using supercaps for a long time to start cars. The problem is that it doesn’t give any reserve capacity for cranking, or for instance listening to the radio on lunch break, etc.